from RepSys import Error, config, pexpect from RepSys.util import execcmd, get_auth import sys import re import time __all__ = ["SVN", "SVNLook", "SVNLogEntry"] class SVNLogEntry: def __init__(self, revision, author, date): self.revision = revision = author = date self.changed = [] self.lines = [] def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(, class SVN: def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, noauth=0, baseurl=None): self.noauth = noauth or ( baseurl and ( baseurl.startswith("file:") or baseurl.startswith("svn+ssh:"))) if not self.noauth: # argh self.username, self.password = get_auth() def _execsvn(self, *args, **kwargs): cmdstr = "svn "+" ".join(args) if kwargs.get("local") or kwargs.get("noauth") or self.noauth: return execcmd(cmdstr, **kwargs) show = kwargs.get("show") noerror = kwargs.get("noerror") p = pexpect.spawn(cmdstr, timeout=1) p.setmaxread(1024) p.setecho(False) outlist = [] while True: i = p.expect_exact([pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT, "username:", "password:", "(p)ermanently?", "Authorization failed"]) if i == 0: if show and p.before: print p.before, outlist.append(p.before) break elif i == 1: if show and p.before: print p.before, outlist.append(p.before) elif i == 2: p.sendline(self.username) outlist = [] elif i == 3: p.sendline(self.password) outlist = [] elif i == 4: p.sendline("p") outlist = [] elif i == 5: if not noerror: raise Error, "authorization failed" else: break while p.isalive(): try: time.sleep(1) except (pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF): # Continue until the child dies pass status, output = p.exitstatus, "".join(outlist).strip() if status != 0 and not kwargs.get("noerror"): sys.stderr.write(cmdstr) sys.stderr.write("\n") sys.stderr.write(output) sys.stderr.write("\n") raise Error, "command failed: "+cmdstr return status, output def _execsvn_success(self, *args, **kwargs): status, output = self._execsvn(*args, **kwargs) return status == 0 def _add_log(self, cmd_args, received_kwargs, optional=0): if (not optional or received_kwargs.has_key("log") or received_kwargs.has_key("logfile")): ret = received_kwargs.get("log") if ret is not None: cmd_args.append("-m '%s'" % ret) ret = received_kwargs.get("logfile") if ret is not None: cmd_args.append("-F '%s'" % ret) def _add_revision(self, cmd_args, received_kwargs, optional=0): if not optional or received_kwargs.has_key("rev"): ret = received_kwargs.get("rev") if isinstance(ret, basestring): try: ret = int(ret) except ValueError: raise Error, "invalid revision provided" if ret: cmd_args.append("-r %d" % ret) def add(self, path, **kwargs): cmd = ["add", path] return self._execsvn_success(noauth=1, *cmd, **kwargs) def copy(self, pathfrom, pathto, **kwargs): cmd = ["copy", pathfrom, pathto] self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1) self._add_log(cmd, kwargs) return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs) def remove(self, path, force=0, **kwargs): cmd = ["remove", path] self._add_log(cmd, kwargs) if force: cmd.append("--force") return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs) def mkdir(self, path, **kwargs): cmd = ["mkdir", path] self._add_log(cmd, kwargs) return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs) def commit(self, path, **kwargs): cmd = ["commit", path] self._add_log(cmd, kwargs) return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs) def export(self, url, targetpath, **kwargs): cmd = ["export", "'%s'" % url, targetpath] self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1) return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs) def checkout(self, url, targetpath, **kwargs): cmd = ["checkout", "'%s'" % url, targetpath] self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1) return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs) def propset(self, propname, value, targets, **kwargs): cmd = ["propset", propname, "'%s'" % value, targets] return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs) def propedit(self, propname, target, **kwargs): cmd = ["propedit", propname, target] if kwargs.get("rev"): cmd.append("--revprop") self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs) return self._execsvn_success(local=True, show=True, *cmd, **kwargs) def revision(self, path, **kwargs): cmd = ["info", path] status, output = self._execsvn(local=True, *cmd, **kwargs) if status == 0: for line in output.splitlines(): if line.startswith("Revision: "): return int(line.split()[1]) return None def info(self, path, **kwargs): cmd = ["info", path] status, output = self._execsvn(local=True, *cmd, **kwargs) if status == 0: return output.splitlines() return None def info2(self, *args, **kwargs): lines =*args, **kwargs) pairs = [[w.strip() for w in line.split(":", 1)] for line in lines] info = dict(pairs) return info def ls(self, path, **kwargs): cmd = ["ls", path] status, output = self._execsvn(*cmd, **kwargs) if status == 0: return output.split() return None def status(self, path, **kwargs): cmd = ["status", path] if kwargs.get("verbose"): cmd.append("-v") status, output = self._execsvn(*cmd, **kwargs) if status == 0: return [x.split() for x in output.splitlines()] return None def cleanup(self, path, **kwargs): cmd = ["cleanup", path] return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs) def revert(self, path, **kwargs): cmd = ["revert", path] status, output = self._execsvn(*cmd, **kwargs) if status == 0: return [x.split() for x in output.split()] return None def switch(self, url, oldurl=None, path=None, relocate=False, **kwargs): cmd = ["switch"] if relocate: if oldurl is None: raise Error, "You must supply the old URL when "\ "relocating working copies" cmd.append("--relocate") cmd.append(oldurl) cmd.append(url) if path is not None: cmd.append(path) return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs) def update(self, path, **kwargs): cmd = ["update", path] self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1) status, output = self._execsvn(*cmd, **kwargs) if status == 0: return [x.split() for x in output.split()] return None def merge(self, url1, url2=None, rev1=None, rev2=None, path=None, **kwargs): cmd = ["merge"] if rev1 and rev2 and not url2: cmd.append("-r") cmd.append("%s:%s" % (rev1, rev2)) cmd.append(url1) else: if not url2: raise ValueError, \ "url2 needed if two revisions are not provided" if rev1: cmd.append("%s@%s" % (url1, rev1)) else: cmd.append(url1) if rev2: cmd.append("%s@%s" % (url2, rev2)) else: cmd.append(url2) if path: cmd.append(path) status, output = self._execsvn(*cmd, **kwargs) if status == 0: return [x.split() for x in output.split()] return None def diff(self, pathurl1, pathurl2=None, **kwargs): cmd = ["diff", pathurl1] self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1) if pathurl2: cmd.append(pathurl2) status, output = self._execsvn(*cmd, **kwargs) if status == 0: return output return None def cat(self, url, **kwargs): cmd = ["cat", url] self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1) status, output = self._execsvn(*cmd, **kwargs) if status == 0: return output return None def log(self, url, start=None, end=0, limit=None, **kwargs): cmd = ["log", "-v", url] if start is not None or end != 0: if start is not None and type(start) is not type(0): try: start = int(start) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise Error, "invalid log start revision provided" if type(end) is not type(0): try: end = int(end) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise Error, "invalid log end revision provided" start = start or "HEAD" cmd.append("-r %s:%s" % (start, end)) if limit is not None: try: limit = int(limit) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise Error, "invalid limit number provided" cmd.append("--limit %d" % limit) status, output = self._execsvn(*cmd, **kwargs) if status != 0: return None revheader = re.compile("^r(?P[0-9]+) \| (?P[^\|]+) \| (?P[^\|]+) \| (?P[0-9]+) (?:line|lines)$") changedpat = re.compile(r"^\s+(?P[^\s]+) (?P[^\s]+)(?: \([^\s]+ (?P[^:]+)(?:\:(?P[0-9]+))?\))?$") logseparator = "-"*72 linesleft = 0 entry = None log = [] appendchanged = 0 changedheader = 0 for line in output.splitlines(): line = line.rstrip() if changedheader: appendchanged = 1 changedheader = 0 elif appendchanged: if not line: appendchanged = 0 continue m = changedpat.match(line) if m: changed = m.groupdict().copy() from_rev = changed.get("from_rev") if from_rev is not None: try: changed["from_rev"] = int(from_rev) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise Error, "invalid revision number in svn log" entry.changed.append(changed) elif linesleft == 0: if line != logseparator: m = revheader.match(line) if m: linesleft = int("lines")) timestr = " ".join("date").split()[:2]) timetuple = time.strptime(timestr, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") entry = SVNLogEntry(int("revision")),"author"), timetuple) log.append(entry) changedheader = 1 else: entry.lines.append(line) linesleft -= 1 log.sort() log.reverse() return log class SVNLook: def __init__(self, repospath, txn=None, rev=None): self.repospath = repospath self.txn = txn self.rev = rev def _execsvnlook(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): execcmd_args = ["svnlook", cmd, self.repospath] self._add_txnrev(execcmd_args, kwargs) execcmd_args += args execcmd_kwargs = {} keywords = ["show", "noerror"] for key in keywords: if kwargs.has_key(key): execcmd_kwargs[key] = kwargs[key] return execcmd(*execcmd_args, **execcmd_kwargs) def _add_txnrev(self, cmd_args, received_kwargs): if received_kwargs.has_key("txn"): txn = received_kwargs.get("txn") if txn is not None: cmd_args += ["-t", txn] elif self.txn is not None: cmd_args += ["-t", self.txn] if received_kwargs.has_key("rev"): rev = received_kwargs.get("rev") if rev is not None: cmd_args += ["-r", rev] elif self.rev is not None: cmd_args += ["-r", self.rev] def changed(self, **kwargs): status, output = self._execsvnlook("changed", **kwargs) if status != 0: return None changes = [] for line in output.splitlines(): line = line.rstrip() if not line: continue entry = [None, None, None] changedata, changeprop, path = None, None, None if line[0] != "_": changedata = line[0] if line[1] != " ": changeprop = line[1] path = line[4:] changes.append((changedata, changeprop, path)) return changes def author(self, **kwargs): status, output = self._execsvnlook("author", **kwargs) if status != 0: return None return output.strip() # vim:et:ts=4:sw=4