import os import urlparse from RepSys import config from RepSys.svn import SVN def _normdirurl(url): """normalize url for relocate_path needs""" parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url) path = os.path.normpath(parsed.path) path += "/" # assuming we always deal with directories newurl = urlparse.urlunparse((parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc, path, parsed.params, parsed.query, parsed.fragment)) return newurl def _joinurl(url, relpath): parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url) newpath = os.path.join(parsed.path, relpath) newurl = urlparse.urlunparse((parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc, newpath, parsed.params, parsed.query, parsed.fragment)) return newurl def same_base(parent, url): """returns true if parent is parent of url""" parent = _normdirurl(parent) url = _normdirurl(url) #FIXME handle paths with/without username/password return url.startswith(parent) def relocate_path(oldparent, newparent, url): oldparent = _normdirurl(oldparent) newparent = _normdirurl(newparent) url = _normdirurl(url) subpath = url[len(oldparent):] newurl = _joinurl(newparent, subpath) # subpath usually gets / at begining return newurl def enabled(wcurl=None): mirror = config.get("global", "mirror") default_parent = config.get("global", "default_parent") enabled = False if mirror and default_parent: enabled = True if wcurl and (not same_base(mirror, wcurl)): enabled = False return enabled def mirror_relocate(oldparent, newparent, url, wcpath): svn = SVN(noauth=True) newurl = relocate_path(oldparent, newparent, url) svn.switch(newurl, url, path=wcpath, relocate="True") return newurl def switchto_parent(svn, url, path): """Relocates the working copy to default_parent""" mirror = config.get("global", "mirror") default_parent = config.get("global", "default_parent") newurl = mirror_relocate(mirror, default_parent, url, path) return newurl def switchto_mirror(svn, url, path): mirror = config.get("global", "mirror") default_parent = config.get("global", "default_parent") newurl = mirror_relocate(default_parent, mirror, url, path) return newurl def checkout_url(url): mirror = config.get("global", "mirror") default_parent = config.get("global", "default_parent") if mirror is not None and default_parent is not None: return relocate_path(default_parent, mirror, url) return url def autoswitch(svn, wcpath, wcurl, newbaseurl=None): """Switches between mirror, default_parent, or newbaseurl""" nobase = False mirror = config.get("global", "mirror") default_parent = config.get("global", "default_parent") current = default_parent if default_parent is None: raise Error, "the option default_parent from repsys.conf is "\ "required" indefault = same_base(default_parent, wcurl) if not newbaseurl: if not mirror: raise Error, "an URL is needed when the option mirror "\ "from repsys.conf is not set" if indefault: chosen = mirror elif same_base(mirror, wcurl): current = mirror chosen = default_parent else: nobase = True else: if mirror and same_base(mirror, wcurl): current = mirror elif indefault: pass # !!!! else: nobase = True chosen = newbaseurl if nobase: raise Error, "the URL of this working copy is not based in "\ "default_parent nor mirror URLs" assert current != chosen newurl = mirror_relocate(current, chosen, wcurl, wcpath) return newurl