#!/usr/bin/python3 from MgaRepo import Error, config import subprocess import getpass import sys import os import re import select from io import BytesIO import httplib2 #import commands # Our own version of commands' commands_exec(). We have a commands # module directory, so we can't import Python's standard module def commands_exec(cmdstr, **kwargs): err = BytesIO() out = BytesIO() pstdin = kwargs.get("stdin") if kwargs.get("stdin") else None p = subprocess.Popen(cmdstr, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=pstdin) of = p.stdout.fileno() ef = p.stderr.fileno() while True: r,w,x = select.select((of,ef), (), ()) odata = None if of in r: odata = os.read(of, 8192) out.write(odata) edata = None if ef in r: edata = os.read(ef, 8192) err.write(edata) sys.stderr.buffer.write(edata) status = p.poll() if status is not None and odata == b'' and edata == b'': break e = err.getvalue().decode('utf8') o = out.getvalue().decode('utf8') return o, e, status def execcmd(*cmd, **kwargs): cmdstr = " ".join(cmd) if kwargs.get('info'): prefix='LANGUAGE=C LC_TIME=C ' else: prefix='LANG=C LANGUAGE=C LC_ALL=C ' if kwargs.get("show"): if kwargs.get("geterr"): o, output, status = commands_exec(prefix + cmdstr) else: status = os.system(prefix + cmdstr) output = "" else: output, e, status = commands_exec(prefix + cmdstr) verbose = config.getbool("global", "verbose", 0) if status != 0 and not kwargs.get("noerror"): if kwargs.get("cleanerr") and not verbose: raise Error(output) else: raise Error("command failed: %s\n%s\n" % (cmdstr, output)) if verbose: print(output) sys.stdout.buffer.write(output) return status, output def get_auth(username=None, password=None): set_username = 1 set_password = 1 if not username: username = config.get("auth", "username") if not username: username = input("username: ") else: set_username = 0 if not password: password = config.get("auth", "password") if not password: password = getpass.getpass("password: ") else: set_password = 0 if set_username: config.set("auth", "username", username) if set_password: config.set("auth", "password", password) return username, password def mapurl(url): """Maps a url following the regexp provided by the option url-map in mgarepo.conf """ urlmap = config.get("global", "url-map") newurl = url if urlmap: try: expr_, replace = urlmap.split()[:2] except ValueError: sys.stderr.buffer.write("invalid url-map: %s" % urlmap) else: try: newurl = re.sub(expr_, replace, url) except re.error as errmsg: sys.stderr.buffer.write("error in URL mapping regexp: %s" % errmsg) return newurl def get_helper(name): """Tries to find the path of a helper script It first looks if the helper has been explicitly defined in configuration, if not, falls back to the default helper path, which can also be defined in configuration file(s). """ helperdir = config.get("helper", "prefix", "/usr/share/mgarepo") hpath = config.get("helper", name, None) or \ os.path.join(helperdir, name) return hpath def rellink(src, dst): """Creates relative symlinks It will find the common ancestor and append to the src path. """ asrc = os.path.abspath(src) adst = os.path.abspath(dst) csrc = asrc.split(os.path.sep) cdst = adst.split(os.path.sep) dstname = cdst.pop() i = 0 l = min(len(csrc), len(cdst)) while i < l: if csrc[i] != cdst[i]: break i += 1 dstextra = len(cdst[i:]) steps = [os.path.pardir] * dstextra steps.extend(csrc[i:]) return os.path.sep.join(steps) def maintdb_get(package): dlurl = config.get("maintdb", "url", "http://maintdb.mageia.org/") dlurl = dlurl + "/" + package h = httplib2.Http() resp, content = h.request(dlurl, 'GET') if resp.status != 200: raise Exception('Package cannot be found in maintdb') return content.rstrip('\n') # vim:et:ts=4:sw=4