from MgaRepo import Error, config from MgaRepo.util import execcmd from MgaRepo.VCS import * from MgaRepo.svn import SVN from MgaRepo.log import UserTagParser from os.path import basename, dirname, abspath, lexists, join from os import chdir, getcwd from tempfile import mkstemp import sys import re import time from xml.etree import ElementTree import subprocess class GITLogEntry(VCSLogEntry): def __init__(self, revision, author, date): VCSLogEntry.__init__(self, revision, author, data) class GIT(VCS): vcs_dirname = ".git" vcs_name = "git" def __init__(self): VCS.__init__(self) self.vcs_command = config.get("global", "git-command", ["git"]) self.vcs_supports['clone'] = True self.env_defaults = {"GIT_SSH": self.vcs_wrapper} def configget(self, key="", location="--local"): cmd = ["config", location, "--get-regexp", key] config = None status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, noerror=True) if not status and output: config = eval("{'" + output.replace("\n", "',\n'").replace(" ", "' : '") + "'}") return config def configset(self, config, location="--local"): cmd = ("config", location) for pair in config.items(): status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd + pair) if status: return False return True def clone(self, url, targetpath, fullnames=True, **kwargs): for vcs in (SVN, GIT): if lexists(join(targetpath, vcs.vcs_dirname)): raise Error("target path %s already contains %s repository, aborting..." % (targetpath, vcs.vcs_name)) if url.split(':')[0].find("svn") < 0: return VCS.clone(self, url, **kwargs) else: # To speed things up on huge repositories, we'll just grab all the # revision numbers for this specific directory and grab these only # in stead of having to go through each and every revision... cmd = ["svn", "log", "-g", "--xml", url] retval, result = execcmd(*cmd) if retval: return retval xmllog = ElementTree.fromstring(result) logentries = xmllog.getiterator("logentry") revisions = [] topurl = dirname(url) trunk = basename(url) tags = "releases" # cloning svn braches as well should rather be optionalif reenabled.. #cmd = ["svn", "init", topurl, "--trunk="+trunk, "--tags="+tags", targetpath] cmd = ["svn", "init", url, abspath(targetpath)] self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs) os.environ.update({"GIT_WORK_TREE" : abspath(targetpath), "GIT_DIR" : join(abspath(targetpath),".git")}) for entry in logentries: revisions.append(int(entry.attrib["revision"])) revisions.sort() fetchcmd = ["svn", "fetch", "--log-window-size=1000"] if fullnames: usermap = UserTagParser() # store configuration in local git config so that'll be reused later when ie. updating gitconfig = {"svn-remote.authorlog.url" : usermap.url, "svn-remote.authorlog.defaultmail": usermap.defaultmail} self.configset(gitconfig) usermapfile = usermap.get_user_map_file() fetchcmd.extend(("--authors-file", usermapfile)) while revisions: self._execVcs(*fetchcmd + ["-r%d"%revisions.pop(0)], **kwargs) if fullnames: usermap.cleanup() cmd = ["svn", "rebase", "--log-window-size=1000", "--local", "--fetch-all", "git-svn"] return self._execVcs_success(*cmd, **kwargs) def info(self, path, **kwargs): cmd = ["svn", "info", path + '@' if '@' in path else path] status, output = self._execVcs(local=True, noerror=True, *cmd, **kwargs) if (("Not a git repository" not in output) and \ ("Unable to determine upstream SVN information from working tree history" not in output)): return output.splitlines() return None def status(self, path, **kwargs): cmd = ["status", path + '@' if '@' in path else path] if kwargs.get("verbose"): cmd.append("-v") if kwargs.get("noignore"): cmd.append("-u") if kwargs.get("quiet"): cmd.append("-s") status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs) if status == 0: return [(x[0], x[8:]) for x in output.splitlines()] return None def update(self, targetpath, **kwargs): os.environ.update({"GIT_WORK_TREE" : abspath(targetpath), "GIT_DIR" : join(abspath(targetpath),".git")}) cmd = ["svn", "log", "--oneline", "--limit=1"] retval, result = self._execVcs(*cmd) if retval: return retval revision = result.split() if revision[0][0] == 'r': startrev = "-r"+str(int(revision[0][1:])+1) else: startrev = "BASE" cmd = ["svn", "propget", "svn:entry:committed-rev"] retval, lastrev = self._execVcs(*cmd) if retval: return retval #cmd = ["config", "--get-regexp", '^svn-remote.svn.(url|fetch)'] cmd = ["config", "--get", "svn-remote.svn.url"] retval, result = self._execVcs(*cmd) if retval: return retval #result = result.strip().split() #url = result[1] + "/" + result[3].split(":")[0] url = result.strip() # To speed things up on huge repositories, we'll just grab all the # revision numbers for this specific directory and grab these only # in stead of having to go through each and every revision... cmd = ["svn", "log", "-g", "--xml", "%s:%s" % (startrev,lastrev), url] retval, result = execcmd(*cmd) if retval: return retval xmllog = ElementTree.fromstring(result) logentries = xmllog.getiterator("logentry") revisions = [] for entry in logentries: revisions.append(int(entry.attrib["revision"])) revisions.sort() fetchcmd = ["svn", "fetch", "--log-window-size=1000"] gitconfig = self.configget("svn-remote.authorlog") if gitconfig: usermap = UserTagParser(url=gitconfig.get("svn-remote.authorlog.url"),defaultmail=gitconfig.get("svn-remote.authorlog.defaultmail")) usermapfile = usermap.get_user_map_file() fetchcmd.extend(("--authors-file", usermapfile)) while revisions: self._execVcs(*fetchcmd + ["-r%d"%revisions.pop(0)], **kwargs) if gitconfig: usermap.cleanup() cmd = ["svn", "rebase", "--log-window-size=1000", "--local", "--fetch-all", "git-svn"] status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs) if status == 0: return [x.split() for x in output.split()] return None class GITLook(VCSLook): def __init__(self, repospath, txn=None, rev=None): VCSLook.__init__(self, repospath, txn, rev) # 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