from MgaRepo.command import * from MgaRepo.rpmutil import switch HELP = """\ Usage: mgarepo switch [URL] Relocates the working copy to the base location URL. If URL is not provided, it will use the option repository from mgarepo.conf as default, or, if the current working copy is already based in default_parent, it will use the location from the mirror option from mgarepo.conf. If the current work is based in another URL, it will use default_parent. Options: -h Show this message Examples: mgarepo switch mgarepo switch https://mirrors.localnetwork/svn/packages/ """ def parse_options(): parser = OptionParser(help=HELP) opts, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args): opts.mirrorurl = args[0] return opts def main(): do_command(parse_options, switch)