from MgaRepo import Error, config, mirror, layout from MgaRepo.util import execcmd, rellink, get_helper from MgaRepo.svn import SVN import sys import os import string import stat import shutil import re import tempfile import hashlib import urlparse import threading import httplib2 from cStringIO import StringIO SOURCES_FILE = "sha1.lst" class ChecksumError(Error): pass def is_binary(path): raw = config.get("binrepo", "upload-match", "\.(7z|Z|bin|bz2|cpio|db|deb|egg|gem|gz|jar|jisp|lzma|"\ "pdf|pgn\\.gz|pk3|png|rpm|run|sdz|smzip|tar|tbz|"\ "tbz2|tgz|ttf|uqm|wad|war|xar|xpi|xz|zip|wav|mp3|ogg|"\ "jpg|png|gif|avi|mpg|mpeg|rar)$") maxsize = config.getint("binrepo", "upload-match-size", "1048576") # 1MiB expr = re.compile(raw) name = os.path.basename(path) if return True st = os.stat(path) if st[stat.ST_SIZE] >= maxsize: return True if open(path).read(0x10000).find('\0') >= 0: return True return False def find_binaries(paths): new = [] for path in paths: if os.path.isdir(path): for name in os.listdir(path): fpath = os.path.join(path, name) if is_binary(fpath): new.append(fpath) else: if is_binary(path): new.append(path) return new def download_binary(topdir, sha1, filename): fmt = config.get("global", "download-command", "wget -c -O '$dest' $url") url = config.get("binrepo", "download_url", "") url = mirror.normalize_path(url + "/" + sha1) dest = os.path.join(topdir, 'SOURCES', filename) if os.path.exists(dest): if file_hash(dest) == sha1: return 1 else: raise Error, "File with incorrect sha1sum: %s" % dest context = {"dest": dest, "url": url} try: cmd = string.Template(fmt).substitute(context) except KeyError, e: raise Error, "invalid variable %r in download-command "\ "configuration option" % e try: status, output = execcmd(cmd, show=True) except Error, e: os.unlink(dest) raise Error, "Could not download file %s\n" % url def download_binaries(topdir): spath = sources_path(topdir) if not os.path.exists(spath): raise Error, "'%s' was not found" % spath entries = parse_sources(spath) for name, sha1 in entries.iteritems(): download_binary(topdir, sha1, name) def binary_exists(sha1sum): dlurl = config.get("binrepo", "download_url", "") dlurl = mirror.normalize_path(dlurl + "/" + sha1sum) h = httplib2.Http() resp, content = h.request(dlurl, 'HEAD') return resp.status == 200 def upload_binary(topdir, filename): filepath = os.path.join(topdir, 'SOURCES', filename) if not os.path.exists(filepath): raise Error, "'%s' was not found" % filepath sha1sum = file_hash(filepath) if binary_exists(sha1sum): return host = config.get("binrepo", "upload_host") upload_bin_helper = get_helper("upload-bin") command = "ssh %s %s %s" % (host, upload_bin_helper, filename) try: filein = open(filepath, 'r') except Error, e: raise Error, "Could not open file %s\n" % filepath status, output = execcmd(command, show=True, geterr=True, stdin=filein) def import_binaries(topdir, pkgname): """Import all binaries from a given package checkout @topdir: the path to the svn checkout """ sourcesdir = os.path.join(topdir, "SOURCES") binaries = find_binaries([sourcesdir]) for path in binaries: upload_binary(topdir, os.path.basename(path)) update_sources(topdir, added=binaries) svn = SVN() svn.add(sources_path(topdir)) def parse_sources(path): entries = {} try: f = open(path) except IOError: return [] for rawline in f: line = rawline.strip() try: sum, name = line.split(None, 1) except ValueError: # failed to unpack, line format error raise Error, "invalid line in sources file: %s" % rawline entries[name] = sum return entries def file_hash(path): sum = hashlib.sha1() f = open(path) while True: block = if not block: break sum.update(block) f.close() return sum.hexdigest() def sources_path(topdir): path = os.path.join(topdir, "SOURCES", SOURCES_FILE) return path def update_sources(topdir, added=[], removed=[]): path = sources_path(topdir) entries = {} if os.path.isfile(path): entries = parse_sources(path) f = open(path, "w") # open before calculating hashes for name in removed: if name in entries: del entries[name] for added_path in added: name = os.path.basename(added_path) entries[name] = file_hash(added_path) for name in sorted(entries): f.write("%s %s\n" % (entries[name], name)) f.close()