# $Id: CVS.pm 1689 2007-06-28 22:44:24Z guillomovitch $ package Youri::Submit::Action::CVS; =head1 NAME Youri::Submit::Action::CVS - CVS versionning =head1 DESCRIPTION This action ensures CVS versionning of package sources. It assumes given package set is canonical, with source package first. =cut use warnings; use strict; use Carp; use Cwd; use File::Temp qw/tempdir/; use base qw/Youri::Submit::Step/; sub _init { my $self = shift; my %options = ( exclude => '\.(tar(\.(gz|bz2))?|zip)$', perms => 644, @_ ); $self->{_exclude} = $options{exclude}; $self->{_perms} = $options{perms}; } sub process_packages { my ($self, $packages, $repository, $target, $context) = @_; croak "Not a class method" unless ref $self; my $package = $packages->[0]; my $name = $package->get_name(); my $version = $package->get_version(); my $release = $package->get_release(); my $root = $repository->get_version_root(); my $path = $repository->get_version_path($package, $target, $define); # remember original directory my $original_dir = cwd(); # get a safe temporary directory my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); chdir $dir; # first checkout base directory only system("cvs -Q -d $root co -l $path"); # try to checkout package directory my $dest = $path . '/' . $name; system("cvs -Q -d $root co $dest"); # create directory if previous import failed unless (-d $dest) { print "adding directory $dest\n" if $self->{_verbose}; system("install -d -m " . ($self->{_perms} + 111) . " $dest"); system("cvs -Q -d $root add $dest"); } chdir $dest; # remove all files unlink grep { -f } glob '*'; # extract all rpm files locally $package->extract(); # remove excluded files if ($self->{_exclude}) { unlink grep { -f && /$self->{_exclude}/ } glob '*'; } # uncompress all compressed files system("bunzip2 *.bz2 2>/dev/null"); system("gunzip *.gz 2>/dev/null"); my (@to_remove, @to_add, @to_add_binary); foreach my $line (`cvs -nq update`) { if ($line =~ /^\? (\S+)/) { if (-B $1) { push(@to_add_binary, $1); } else { push(@to_add, $1); } } if ($line =~ /^U (\S+)/) { push(@to_remove, $1); } } if (@to_remove) { my $to_remove = join(' ', @to_remove); print "removing file(s) $to_remove\n" if $self->{_verbose}; system("cvs -Q remove $to_remove"); } if (@to_add) { my $to_add = join(' ', @to_add); print "adding text file(s) $to_add\n" if $self->{_verbose}; system("cvs -Q add $to_add"); } if (@to_add_binary) { my $to_add_binary = join(' ', @to_add_binary); print "adding binary file(s) $to_add_binary\n" if $self->{_verbose}; system("cvs -Q add -kb $to_add_binary"); } print "committing current directory\n" if $self->{_verbose}; system("cvs -Q commit -m $version-$release") unless $self->{_test}; # tag new release my $tag = "r$version-$release"; $tag =~ s/\./_/g; print "tagging current directory as $tag\n" if $self->{_verbose}; system("cvs -Q tag $tag") unless $self->{_test}; # get back to original directory chdir $original_dir; } =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;