# $Id: Mail.pm 947 2006-07-05 14:24:17Z guillomovitch $ package Youri::Check::Output::Mail; =head1 NAME Youri::Check::Output::Mail - Report results by mail =head1 DESCRIPTION This plugin reports results by mail. Additional subplugins handle specific formats. =cut use warnings; use strict; use Carp; use MIME::Entity; use Youri::Utils; use base 'Youri::Check::Output'; sub _init { my $self = shift; my %options = ( from => '', # mail from header to => '', # mail to header reply_to => '', # mail reply-to header mta => '', # mta path noempty => 1, # don't generate empty reports formats => {}, @_ ); croak "no format defined" unless $options{formats}; croak "formats should be an hashref" unless ref $options{formats} eq 'HASH'; $self->{_from} = $options{from}; $self->{_to} = $options{to}; $self->{_reply_to} = $options{reply_to}; $self->{_mta} = $options{mta}; $self->{_noempty} = $options{noempty}; foreach my $id (keys %{$options{formats}}) { print "Creating format $id\n" if $options{verbose}; eval { push( @{$self->{_formats}}, create_instance( 'Youri::Check::Output::Mail::Format', id => $id, test => $options{test}, verbose => $options{verbose}, %{$options{formats}->{$id}} ) ); }; print STDERR "Failed to create format $id: $@\n" if $@; } croak "no formats created" unless @{$self->{_formats}}; } sub _global_report { my ($self, $resultset, $type, $columns, $links) = @_; foreach my $format (@{$self->{_formats}}) { my $iterator = $resultset->get_iterator( $type, [ 'package' ] ); return if $self->{_noempty} && ! $iterator->has_results(); my $content = $format->get_report( $self->{_time}, "$type global report", $iterator, $type, $columns, $links, undef ); $self->_send_mail( $format->type(), $self->{_to}, "$type global report", $content, ); } } sub _individual_report { my ($self, $resultset, $type, $columns, $links, $maintainer) = @_; foreach my $format (@{$self->{_formats}}) { my $iterator = $resultset->get_iterator( $type, [ 'package' ], { maintainer => [ $maintainer ] } ); return if $self->{_noempty} && ! $iterator->has_results(); my $content = $format->get_report( $self->{_time}, "$type individual report for $maintainer", $iterator, $type, $columns, $links, $maintainer ); $self->_send_mail( $format->type(), $maintainer, "$type individual report for $maintainer", $content, ); } } sub _send_mail { my ($self, $type, $to, $subject, $content) = @_; return unless $content; my $mail = MIME::Entity->build( 'Type' => $type, 'From' => $self->{_from}, 'Reply-To' => $self->{_reply_to}, 'To' => $to, 'Subject' => $subject, 'Data' => $$content ); if ($self->{_test}) { $mail->print(\*STDOUT); } else { open(MAIL, "| $self->{_mta} -t -oi -oem") or die "Can't open MTA program: $!"; $mail->print(\*MAIL); close MAIL; } } =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2002-2006, YOURI project This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;