#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (C) 2005,2006 Mandriva # # Author: Florent Villard # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # compare and rebuild packages on different architecture # # TODO # # - create a configuration file to handle the various iurt running # - get the content of the rebuild dir # - run as many iurt as machines are available and gather results # - the scheduler just take the results, launch new rebuild, and quit # - use perl ssh and try to workarround the non working timeout when the # remote machine is stalled # - use submitter as packager, not generic name # use strict; use MDK::Common qw(any cat_ if_); use Iurt::Config qw(config_usage get_date config_init get_author_email check_arch check_noarch); use Iurt::Process qw(check_pid); use Iurt::File qw(check_upload_tree); use Iurt::Mail qw(sendmail); use Iurt::Util qw(plog_init plog ssh_setup ssh sout sget sput); use File::Copy 'move'; use File::Path 'make_path'; use File::Temp 'mktemp'; use Filesys::Df qw(df); use Data::Dumper; use File::Slurp qw(read_file); my %run; my $program_name = 'ulri'; $run{program_name} = $program_name; my $LOG; if (!$ENV{ULRI_LOG_FILE} || !open($LOG, '>>', $ENV{ULRI_LOG_FILE})) { open($LOG, ">&STDERR"); } plog_init($program_name, $LOG, 7, 1); my $HOME = $ENV{HOME}; my $configfile = "$HOME/.upload.conf"; my $sysconfigfile = "/etc/iurt/upload.conf"; my $config = {}; foreach my $f ($configfile, $sysconfigfile) { plog('DEBUG', "load config: $f"); if (-f $f) { $config = eval(cat_($f)) or die "FATAL $program_name: syntax error in $f"; last; } } my %config_usage = ( admin => { desc => 'mail address of the bot administrator', default => 'distrib-admin@mandrivalinux.org' }, 'arch_translation' => { desc => "Renaming of arch", default => { 'sparc64' => 'sparcv9' } }, bot => { desc => "List of bot able to compile the packages", default => { i586 => { n1 => { iurt => { user => 'mandrake' , command => 'sudo -u mandrake -H /usr/local/bin/iurt2.sh --copy_srpm --group -v 1 --config local_spool /export/home/mandrake/iurt/__DIR__ --no_rsync --chrooted-urpmi http://kenobi/dis/ -r __TARGET__ __ARCH__', packages => '/export/home/mandrake/iurt/', } , }, }, }, }, media => { desc => 'Corresponding media to add given the current media', default => { default => { "main/release" => [ "main/release", "main/updates" ], "main/updates" => [ "main/release", "main/updates" ], "main/testing" => [ "main/release", "main/updates", "main/testing" ], "main/backports" => [ "main/release", "main/updates", "main/testing", "main/backports" ], "contrib/release" => [ "main/release", "main/updates", "contrib/release", "contrib/updates" ], "contrib/updates" => [ "main/release", "main/updates", "contrib/release", "contrib/updates" ], "contrib/testing" => [ "main/release", "main/updates", "main/testing", "contrib/release", "contrib/updates", "contrib/testing" ], "contrib/backports" => [ "main/release", "main/updates", "main/testing", "main/backports", "contrib/release", "contrib/updates", "contrib/testing", "contrib/backports" ], "non-free/release" => [ "main/release", "main/updates", "non-free/release", "non-free/updates" ], "non-free/updates" => [ "main/release", "main/updates", "non-free/release", "non-free/updates" ], "non-free/testing" => [ "main/release", "main/updates", "main/tessting", "non-free/release", "non-free/updates", "non-free/testing" ], "non-free/backports" => [ "main/release", "main/updates", "main/testing", "main/backports", "non-free/release", "non-free/updates", "non-free/testing", "non-free/backports" ], }, }, }, faildelay => { desc => "Time after which the rebuild is considered as a failure", default => 36000 }, http_queue => { desc => 'Address where log can be consulted', default => 'http://kenobi.mandriva.com/queue ' }, queue => { desc => "Root of the tree where the packages to compile are located", default => "$HOME/uploads" }, tmp => { desc => "Temporary directory", default => "$HOME/tmp" }, ssh_options => { desc => "SSH options", default => "-o ConnectTimeout=20 -o BatchMode=yes" }, packager => { desc => 'Default packager tag user by bot', default => 'Mageia Team ' }, 'arch' => { desc => 'Architectures list for each target', default => { cauldron => [ 'i586', 'x86_64' ], default => [ 'i586', 'x86_64' ], }, }, ); config_usage(\%config_usage, $config) if $run{config_usage}; config_init(\%config_usage, $config, \%run); my %untranslated_arch; foreach my $k (keys %{$config->{arch_translation}}) { my $v = $config->{arch_translation}{$k}; push @{$untranslated_arch{$v}}, $k; } $run{pidfile_home} = $config->{tmp}; $run{pidfile} = $program_name; my $pidfile = check_pid(\%run); my ($fulldate, $daydate) = get_date(); $run{daydate} = $daydate; my $df = df $config->{queue}; if ($df->{per} == 100) { # FIXME should send a mail too die "FATAL $program_name: not enough space on the filesystem, only $df->{bavail} KB on $config->{queue}, full at $df->{per}%"; } ($fulldate, $daydate) = get_date(); my %pkg_tree; my $compildone = {}; my $todo = "$config->{queue}/todo"; my $failure = "$config->{queue}/failure"; my $done = "$config->{queue}/done"; # Raise this when the noarch package starts to build on any bot my %noarch_build; # # Part 0: gather data from upload tree # plog('MSG', "check uploads tree"); # A list of what is currently building so we can report at the end # my %build_list; plog('DEBUG', "input queue is $todo"); sub todo_func { my ($todo, $f, $m, $s, $r) = @_; my $media = "$m/$s"; if ($r =~ /(\d{14}\.(\w+)\.\w+\.\d+)_(.*\.src\.rpm)$/) { my ($prefix, $user, $srpm) = ($1, $2, $3); plog('DEBUG', "found srpm $srpm ($prefix)"); $pkg_tree{$prefix}{media}{$media}{path} = "/$f/$m/$s"; $pkg_tree{$prefix}{target} = $f; $pkg_tree{$prefix}{user} = $user; push @{$pkg_tree{$prefix}{srpms}} , $srpm; my ($name) = $srpm =~ /(.*)-[^-]+-[^-]+\.src\.rpm$/; return $pkg_tree{$prefix}{srpm_name}{$name} = $srpm; } if ($r =~ /(\d{14}\.\w+\.\w+\.\d+)_([\w-]+)\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\.(\d{14})\.(\d+)\.lock$/) { my ($prefix, $arch, $bot, $host, $date, $pid) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6); $arch = $config->{arch_translation}{$arch} if $config->{arch_translation}{$arch}; plog('DEBUG', "found lock on $host/$arch for $prefix"); # Only for build status reporting # push @{$build_list{"$host/$arch"}}, $prefix; if ($arch =~ /noarch/) { plog('DEBUG', "... and $prefix is noarch"); $noarch_build{$prefix} = 1; $arch =~ s/-.*//; } $run{bot}{$host}{$bot} = $prefix; # this should be in the cache, but waiting for a cache-clean option $compildone->{$prefix}{$media}{$arch} = 1; my $time = read_line("$todo/$f/$m/$s/$r"); $time = (split ' ', $time)[2]; push @{$pkg_tree{$prefix}{media}{$media}{bot}}, { bot => $bot, host => $host, date => $date, pid => $pid, 'arch' => $arch, 'time' => $time }; } } sub todo_post { my ($todo, $f, $m, $s, $r) = @_; if ($r =~ /(\d{14}\.\w+\.\w+\.\d+)_([\w-]+)\.(\w+)\.(\w+)\.(\d{14})\.(\d+)\.lock$/) { if (!$pkg_tree{$1}{srpms}) { plog('INFO', "cleaning orphan $r"); unlink "$todo/$f/$m/$s/$r"; } } } sub done_func { my ($_todo, $_f, $m, $s, $r) = @_; my $media = "$m/$s"; if ($r =~ /(\d{14}\.\w+\.\w+\.\d+)_(.*)\.(done|fail|excluded)$/) { my ($prefix, $arch) = ($1, $2); $arch = $config->{arch_translation}{$arch} if $config->{arch_translation}{$arch}; $compildone->{$prefix}{$media}{$arch} = 1; } elsif ($r =~ /(\d{14}\.\w+\.\w+\.\d+)_(.*\.([^.]+)\.rpm)$/) { my ($prefix, $rpm) = ($1, $2); plog('DEBUG', "found already built rpm $rpm ($prefix)"); push @{$pkg_tree{$prefix}{rpms}} , $rpm; } } check_upload_tree($todo, \&todo_func, \&todo_post); # getting already compiled packages # The cache should not be needed if the .done file are removed as the same # time as the src.rpm in the todo tree check_upload_tree($done, \&done_func); # # Part 1: get results from finished builds # plog('MSG', "check build bot results"); my %later; my $something_finished; foreach my $prefix (keys %pkg_tree) { my $ent = $pkg_tree{$prefix}; foreach my $media (keys %{$ent->{media}}) { my $path = $ent->{media}{$media}{path}; my $user = $ent->{user}; # Local pathnames my $done_dir = "$done/$path"; my $todo_dir = "$todo/$path"; my $fail_dir = "$failure/$path"; bot: foreach my $bot_list (@{$ent->{media}{$media}{bot}}) { my ($bot, $host, $date, $pid, $arch, $time) = @$bot_list{qw(bot host date pid arch time)}; my $bot_conf = $config->{bot}{$arch}{$host}{$bot}; my $remote = ssh_setup($config->{ssh_options}, $bot_conf->{user}, $host); my $prefix_dir = "$bot_conf->{packages}/$path/$prefix-$arch/"; # If our build is noarch, set arch appropriately. # my $lock_file = "$todo_dir/${prefix}_$arch-noarch.$bot.$host.$date.$pid.lock"; if (-f $lock_file) { plog('DEBUG', "$prefix is noarch"); $arch = "noarch"; } else { $lock_file =~ s/-noarch//; } my $status_file = "$prefix_dir/log/status.log"; plog('INFO', "check status: $host/$arch ($bot [$pid])"); my $status = sout($remote, "cat $status_file"); my $success; my $fail; my $later; # Check if the build bot finished on the other side # if ($status) { plog('INFO', "check result: $host/$arch ($bot [$pid])"); foreach my $res (split "\n", $status) { my ($p, $r) = $res =~ /(.*):\s+(.*)/; plog('DEBUG', $res); if ($r eq 'install_deps_failure') { plog('FAIL', "install deps failure, rebuild later: $p"); $later{$prefix} = 1; $later = 1; } if ($r ne 'ok') { plog('FAIL', "$r: $p"); $fail = 1; } } if (!$fail) { my @list = split "\n", sout($remote, "ls $prefix_dir"); my $error; my $done; my $arch_check = join '|', $arch, if_($untranslated_arch{$arch}, @{$untranslated_arch{$arch}}); plog('MSG', "checking for $arch_check arch"); foreach my $result (@list) { $result =~ /\.(src|$arch_check|noarch)\.rpm$/ or next; # do not copy the initial src package $result =~ /^$prefix/ and next; my $result_file = "$done_dir/${prefix}_$result"; my $done_file = "$done_dir/${prefix}_$arch.done"; plog('OK', "build ok: $result"); if ($result =~ /\.$arch_check\.rpm$/) { $done = 1; } plog('DEBUG', "copy files to done"); make_path($done_dir); if (sget($remote, "$prefix_dir/$result", "$result_file.new")) { plog('ERROR', "copying $result from $host failed ($!)"); $error = 1; last; } elsif (move("$result_file.new", $result_file)) { if ($done) { create_file($done_file, "$bot $host"); $success = 1; } } } next if $error; if ($success) { # Fetch build log and clean remote machine make_path("$done_dir/$prefix"); sget($remote, "$prefix_dir/log/*", "$done_dir/$prefix"); ssh($remote, "rm -rf $prefix_dir"); $something_finished = 1; } } } # if ($status) # # Handle build failure # my $proc_state; if (!$fail) { chomp($proc_state = sout($remote, "ps h -o state $pid")); } my $seconds = time()-$time; # Reasons for failure my $timeout = $seconds > $config->{faildelay}; my $zombie = $proc_state eq 'Z'; my $ended = !$proc_state; unless ($success || $later || $fail || $timeout || $zombie || $ended) { next bot; } plog('INFO', "delete lock file for $prefix"); unlink $lock_file; $run{bot}{$host}{$bot} = 0; next bot if $later; if (!$ended && !$fail) { plog('FAIL', "$bot timed out on $host/$arch ($seconds sec) or " . "it's dead (status $proc_state), removing lock"); $compildone->{$prefix}{$media}{$arch} = 0; next bot; } next bot if $success && !$fail; if (!$status) { plog('ERROR', "build bot died on $host, reschedule compilation"); next bot; } plog('INFO', "Failure reason: $success || $later || $fail || $timeout || $zombie || $ended"); plog('FAIL', "build failed"); create_file("$done_dir/${prefix}_$arch.fail", "$bot $host"); make_path($fail_dir); mkdir("$fail_dir/$prefix"); if (sget($remote, "$prefix_dir/*", "$fail_dir/$prefix")) { plog('ERROR', "copying from $host:$prefix_dir/ " . "to $fail_dir/ failed ($!)"); $compildone->{$prefix}{$media}{$arch} = 0; # clean the log on the compilation machine ssh($remote, "rm -rf $prefix_dir"); next bot; } # What to do with the previously build packages? Move them to # failure, rejected ? # 20061220 warly move them to failure for now foreach my $rpm (@{$ent->{rpms}}) { my $file = "$done_dir/${prefix}_$rpm"; plog('DEBUG', "moving built rpm $file to $fail_dir/${prefix}_$rpm"); link $file, "$fail_dir/${prefix}_$rpm"; unlink $file; } # Should clean the queue # Must remove the SRPM and the lock foreach my $srpm (@{$ent->{srpms}}) { my $file = "$todo_dir/${prefix}_$srpm"; plog('DEBUG', "moving $file to $fail_dir/${prefix}_$srpm"); link $file, "$fail_dir/${prefix}_$srpm"; # FIXME If another arch is currently building, we will not clean its logs (Bug #4343) delete $pkg_tree{$prefix}; unlink $file; # If one arch has been generated, we also have a src.rpm in done $file = "$done_dir/${prefix}_$srpm"; if (-f $file) { plog('DEBUG', "deleting $file"); unlink $file; } } # Notify user if build failed # if ($user) { warn_about_failure($user, $ent, $arch, $fail_dir, $path, $prefix); } # clean the log on the compilation machine ssh($remote, "rm -rf $prefix_dir"); } # end bot } # end path } # end prefix # # Part 2: check queue and start new jobs if a bot is available # plog('MSG', "launching new compilations"); my %to_compile; # do not sort the keys to be able to ignore packages which makes iurt # crash or just lock ulri somehow foreach my $prefix (sort keys %pkg_tree) { next if $later{$prefix}; my $ent = $pkg_tree{$prefix}; foreach my $media (keys %{$ent->{media}}) { my $path = $ent->{media}{$media}{path}; my $target = $ent->{target}; my $srpms = $ent->{srpms} or next; my $user = get_author_email($ent->{user}) || $config->{packager}; $user =~ s/([<>])/\\$1/g; # Local pathnames my $done_dir = "$done/$path"; my $todo_dir = "$todo/$path"; # Make sure these exist make_path($done_dir); make_path($todo_dir); #plog('DEBUG', "searching a bot to compile @$srpms"); # count noarch todos only once even if searching multiple bots my $noarch_countflag = 0; my @arch_list = keys %{$config->{bot}}; if (ref $config->{arch} eq 'ARRAY') { @arch_list = @{$config->{arch}}; } elsif (ref $config->{arch}{$target} eq 'ARRAY') { @arch_list = @{$config->{arch}{$target}}; } elsif (ref $config->{arch}{default} eq 'ARRAY') { @arch_list = @{$config->{arch}{default}}; } # need to find a bot for each arch foreach my $arch (@arch_list) { # Skip this arch if package is building as noarch # next if $noarch_build{$prefix}; next if $compildone->{$prefix}{$media}{noarch}; next if $compildone->{$prefix}{$media}{$arch}; # If all packages in a group are noarch, consider the entire group # as noarch # my $noarch = 1; $noarch = 0 if any { !check_noarch("$todo_dir/${prefix}_$_") } @$srpms; #plog("@$srpms is noarch") if $noarch; my $excluded = any { !check_arch("$todo_dir/${prefix}_$_", $arch) } @$srpms; if ($excluded) { plog('WARN', "excluding from $arch: $excluded"); create_file("$done_dir/${prefix}_$arch.excluded", "ulri $arch excluded"); next; } if ($noarch) { plog('DEBUG', "search any bot for @$srpms") unless $noarch_countflag; } else { plog('DEBUG', "search $arch bot for @$srpms"); } foreach my $host (keys %{$config->{bot}{$arch}}) { foreach my $bot (keys %{$config->{bot}{$arch}{$host}}) { next if $run{bot}{$host}{$bot}; # Enable noarch lock after the first bot snarfs the package # $noarch_build{$prefix} = 1 if $noarch; plog('INFO', "building on $host/$arch ($bot)"); $run{bot}{$host}{$bot} = $prefix; $compildone->{$prefix}{$media}{$arch} = 1; my $bot_conf = $config->{bot}{$arch}{$host}{$bot}; my $remote = ssh_setup($config->{ssh_options}, $bot_conf->{user}, $host); my $prefix_dir = "$bot_conf->{packages}/$path/$prefix-$arch/"; my $status_file = "$prefix_dir/log/status.log"; # Copy packages to build node # # create also the log dir for botcmd.log next if ssh($remote, "mkdir -p $prefix_dir/log"); my $pkgs; my $ok = 1; foreach my $srpm (@$srpms) { plog('NOTIFY', "Send to $host/$arch: $srpm"); $ok &&= !sput($remote, "$todo_dir/${prefix}_$srpm", "$prefix_dir/$srpm"); $pkgs .= " $prefix_dir/$srpm"; } next unless $ok; # spawn remote build bot and save output on local file # (remove status.log before building, otherwise we can have # a install_deps_failure and reschedule even if the package # is currently building) # plog('DEBUG', "remove status file"); ssh($remote, "rm $status_file 2>/dev/null"); plog('INFO', "Execute build command on $host/$arch"); my $temp = mktemp("$config->{tmp}/ulri.tmp.$prefix.XXXXX"); my $cmd = $bot_conf->{command}; $cmd =~ s!__ARCH__!$arch!g; $cmd =~ s!__DIR__!$path/$prefix-$arch!g; $cmd =~ s!__TARGET__!$target!g; $cmd =~ s!__PACKAGER__!$user!g; my $section = $media; $section =~ s!/.*$!!; $cmd =~ s!__SECTION__!$section!g; my $media_to_add; my $medium = ref $config->{media}{$target}{$media} ? $target : 'default'; $media_to_add = join ' ', @{$config->{media}{$medium}{$media}}; plog('DEBUG', "Will compile only with media $media_to_add"); $cmd =~ s!__MEDIA__!$media_to_add!g; #- allow x86_64 hosts to build i586 packages if ($arch eq 'i586') { $cmd = "setarch i586 $cmd"; } plog('DEBUG', "Build $pkgs"); ssh($remote, "'echo PID=\$\$; exec $cmd $pkgs &>$prefix_dir/log/botcmd.\$(date +%s).\$(hostname -s).log' > $temp &"); # wait 10 seconds or until we have the log file # plus 20 seconds if it timeouts. # if (check_file_timeout($temp, 10)) { plog('WARN', "Timeout waiting for building start. Waiting more 20s."); if (check_file_timeout($temp, 20)) { plog('WARN', "Timeout! Abandoning the build."); last; } } # get remote PID from log file # my $pid = get_pid_from_file($temp); unlink $temp; plog('DEBUG', "remote pid $pid"); if (!$pid) { plog('WARN', "pid is unknown, abandoning the build."); last; } # create lock file # my $lock_arch = $noarch ? "$arch-noarch" : $arch; my $lock_file = "$todo_dir/${prefix}_" . "$lock_arch.$bot.$host.$fulldate.$pid.lock"; plog('DEBUG', "create lock $lock_file"); create_file($lock_file, "$program_name $$", time()); # Fork to wait for the build to finish if (fork() == 0) { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { # Run ourselves to kill the build exec "ulri"; }; alarm $config->{faildelay}; # SSH to $host and wait up for $pid to exit ssh($remote, "'while /bin/true; do ps $pid >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit; sleep 1; done'"); alarm 0; # Fetch build results exec "ulri"; } last; } last if $compildone->{$prefix}{$media}{$arch}; last if $compildone->{$prefix}{$media}{noarch}; } # Count packages to compile for each architecture. Count noarch # package only once. # $arch = 'noarch' if $noarch; unless ($compildone->{$prefix}{$media}{$arch}) { $to_compile{$arch}++ if !($noarch && $noarch_countflag); } $noarch_countflag = 1 if $noarch; } } } plog('MSG', "Current status"); if (keys %build_list) { plog('INFO', "currently building:"); map { plog('INFO', " $_: " . join('', @{$build_list{$_}})) } keys %build_list; } plog('INFO', "jobs in queue:", %to_compile ? map { sprintf("%s(%d)", $_, $to_compile{$_}) } keys %to_compile : "none"); unlink $pidfile; exec "emi" if $something_finished; exit(); # # Subroutines # sub warn_about_failure { my ($user, $ent, $arch, $fail_dir, $path, $prefix) = @_; my $text = join("\n", "Build of the following packages failed:\n", map { "- $_" } @{$ent->{srpms}}) . "\n"; my $srpms = join(' ', @{$ent->{srpms}}, undef); my $to = get_author_email($user) || "Unknown <$config->{admin}>"; my $cc; my $fpath = "$config->{http_queue}/failure/$path/$prefix"; $fpath =~ tr!/!!s; # Squash double slashes ... $fpath =~ s!/!//!; # ... except for http:// $text .= "\nFailure details available in $fpath/log\n"; $text .= "Reason:\n"; $text .= read_file("$fail_dir/$prefix/log/status.log"); $text .= "\nLog files generated:\n"; opendir my $DP1, "$fail_dir/$prefix/log/"; foreach my $f1 (sort(readdir($DP1))) { next if ! -d "$fail_dir/$prefix/log/$f1" || $f1 =~ m/^\./; opendir my $DP2, "$fail_dir/$prefix/log/$f1"; foreach my $f2 (readdir $DP2) { next if $f2 =~ m/^\./; $text .= "$fpath/log/$f1/$f2\n"; } closedir $DP2; } closedir $DP1; sendmail($to, $cc, "Rebuild failed on $arch for $srpms", $text, "Ulri the scheduler bot <$config->{admin}>", 0, $config); } sub get_pid_from_file { my ($file) = @_; my $pid; open my $FILE, $file || die "FATAL: can't open $file"; local $_; while (<$FILE>) { last if ($pid) = /^PID=(\d+)/ } $pid; } sub create_file { my $file = shift; my @contents = @_; open my $FILE, ">$file" or die "FATAL: can't open $file for writing"; print $FILE "@contents"; } sub read_line { my $file = shift; open my $FILE, "<$file" or die "FATAL: can't open $file for reading"; my $contents = <$FILE>; $contents; } sub check_file_timeout { my ($file, $time) = @_; my $i = 0; while ($i < $time && (!-f $file || -z $file)) { sleep 1; $i++ } $i == $time; } __END__ # ulri ends here Discussion ---------- 20060802 (Warly) * I prefer creating a separate scheduler, so that it can eventually call other bots. * bots should be able to take packages by themselves. * Iurt will perform several checks, they have to be standard and usable by the maintainer, the results must be put in a visible directory or path * We can put packages either in a dir or to prefix all files with the date and uploader. Having all files in a dir will make the listing simpler. Prefixing the files could be problematic if we base the rpm name and version parsing on the filename. * ulri knows the prefix, he could ask iurt to put the packages in a dir with the same prefix. 20060806 (Warly) * All the packages are put in done, then the final youri is run to put them in queue/ 20061104 (claudio) * Instead if having configuration defaults for our environment and using ulri with the defaults, it would be nicer to have minimalistic/generic defaults and install a configuration file in kenobi * Ulri's configuration file could be renamed to .ulri.conf instead of .upload.conf. ==> ok, it's also used by emi