package Iurt::Queue; use base qw(Exporter); use File::Copy 'move'; use File::Path 'make_path'; use File::stat 'stat'; use Iurt::Config qw(get_mandatory_arch get_target_arch); use Iurt::File qw(read_line create_file); use Iurt::Util qw(plog); use MDK::Common qw(cat_ find member partition); use strict; our @EXPORT = qw( get_upload_tree_state cleanup_failed_build check_if_all_archs_processed check_if_mandatory_arch_failed load_lock_file_data record_bot_complete remove_bot_from_package schedule_next_retry ); sub apply_to_upload_tree { my ($tree_root, $func) = @_; # Squash double slashes for cosmetics $tree_root =~ s!/+!/!g; opendir(my $dir, $tree_root); plog('INFO', "check dir: $tree_root"); foreach my $f (readdir $dir) { $f =~ /^\.{1,2}$/ and next; if (-d "$tree_root/$f") { plog('DEBUG', "checking target $tree_root/$f"); opendir my $target_dir, "$tree_root/$f"; foreach my $m (readdir $target_dir) { $m =~ /^\.{1,2}$/ and next; if (-d "$tree_root/$f/$m") { plog('DEBUG', "checking media $tree_root/$f/$m"); opendir my $media_dir, "$tree_root/$f/$m"; foreach my $s (readdir $media_dir) { $s =~ /^\.{1,2}$/ and next; if (-d "$tree_root/$f/$m/$s") { if ($func) { opendir my $submedia_dir, "$tree_root/$f/$m/$s"; foreach my $r (readdir $submedia_dir) { $r =~ /^\.{1,2}$/ and next; $func->($tree_root, $f, $m, $s, $r); } } } } } } } } } sub check_if_mandatory_arch_failed { my ($media, $ent, $config) = @_; my $mandatory_arch = get_mandatory_arch($config, $ent->{target}); foreach my $arch (@$mandatory_arch) { return 1 if $ent->{media}{$media}{failed_arch}{$arch}; } } sub check_if_all_archs_processed { my ($media, $ent, $config) = @_; return 1 if $ent->{media}{$media}{done_arch}{noarch}; return 1 if $ent->{media}{$media}{failed_arch}{noarch}; my $arch_list = get_target_arch($config, $ent->{target}); foreach my $arch (@$arch_list) { next if $ent->{media}{$media}{done_arch}{$arch}; next if $ent->{media}{$media}{excluded_arch}{$arch}; next if $ent->{media}{$media}{failed_arch}{$arch}; # This arch is not done yet! return; } return 1; } sub cleanup_failed_build { my ($todo_dir, $done_dir, $fail_dir, $prefix, $ent, $media, $arch, $config) = @_; my $mandatory_arch = get_mandatory_arch($config, $ent->{target}); my $fatal_failure = member($arch, @$mandatory_arch) || $arch eq 'noarch'; my ($failed_rpms, $kept_rpms); if ($fatal_failure) { plog('DEBUG', "failure is for mandatory arch $arch, aborting build"); $failed_rpms = $ent->{rpms}; } else { plog('DEBUG', "failure is for non-mandatory arch $arch, keeping other builds going"); ($failed_rpms, $kept_rpms) = partition { /\.$arch\.rpm$/ } @{$ent->{rpms}}; } foreach my $rpm (@$failed_rpms) { my $file = "$done_dir/${prefix}_$rpm"; plog('DEBUG', "moving built rpm $file to $fail_dir/"); move($file, "$fail_dir/${prefix}_$rpm"); } if ($fatal_failure) { foreach my $done_arch (keys %{$ent->{media}{$media}{done_arch}}) { my $file = "$done_dir/${prefix}_${done_arch}.done"; if (-f $file) { plog('DEBUG', "deleting $file"); unlink $file; } delete $ent->{media}{$media}{done_arch}{$done_arch}; } } else { # keep rpms for other architectures $ent->{rpms} = $kept_rpms; # but delete src.rpm if we are now done if (check_if_all_archs_processed($media, $ent, $config)) { foreach my $srpm (@{$ent->{srpms}}) { my $file = "$todo_dir/${prefix}_$srpm"; plog('DEBUG', "moving $file to $fail_dir/"); move($file, "$fail_dir/${prefix}_$srpm"); } } return; } delete $ent->{rpms}; foreach my $srpm (@{$ent->{srpms}}) { my $file = "$todo_dir/${prefix}_$srpm"; plog('DEBUG', "moving $file to $fail_dir/"); move($file, "$fail_dir/${prefix}_$srpm"); # If one arch has been generated, we also have a src.rpm in done $file = "$done_dir/${prefix}_$srpm"; if (-f $file) { plog('DEBUG', "deleting $file"); unlink $file; } } if (-d "$done_dir/$prefix") { make_path("$fail_dir/$prefix"); foreach my $file (glob "$done_dir/$prefix/*") { plog('DEBUG', "moving $file to $fail_dir/$prefix/"); move($file, "$fail_dir/$prefix/"); } } } sub load_lock_file_data { my ($ent, $lock_path, $media, $config) = @_; if ($lock_path !~ /\/(\d{14}\.\w+\.\w+\.\d+)_([\w-]+)\.(\w+)\.([\w-]+)\.(\d{14})\.(\d+)\.lock$/) { plog('ERROR', "invalid lock file name: $lock_path"); return; } my ($prefix, $arch, $bot, $host, $date, $pid) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6); $arch = $config->{arch_translation}{$arch} if $config->{arch_translation}{$arch}; plog('DEBUG', "found lock on $host/$arch for $prefix"); if ($arch =~ /noarch/) { plog('DEBUG', "... and $prefix is noarch"); $ent->{media}{$media}{arch}{noarch} = 1; $arch =~ s/-.*//; } $ent->{media}{$media}{arch}{$arch} = 1; my $time = read_line($lock_path); $time = (split ' ', $time)[2]; push @{$ent->{media}{$media}{bot}}, { bot => $bot, host => $host, date => $date, pid => $pid, 'arch' => $arch, 'time' => $time }; } sub remove_bot_from_package { my ($ent, $media, $host, $pid) = @_; @{$ent->{media}{$media}{bot}} = grep { $_->{host} ne $host || $_->{pid} != $pid} @{$ent->{media}{$media}{bot}}; } sub record_bot_complete { my ($run, $bot, $arch, $lock_file, $prefix, $ent, $media, $host, $pid) = @_; plog('INFO', "delete lock file for $prefix on $host/$arch"); unlink $lock_file; $run->{bot}{$host}{$bot} = 0; remove_bot_from_package($ent, $media, $host, $pid); $ent->{media}{$media}{arch}{$arch} = 0; } sub get_upload_tree_state { our ($config) = @_; our %pkg_tree; my $todo = "$config->{queue}/todo"; my $done = "$config->{queue}/done"; sub todo_func { my ($todo, $f, $m, $s, $r) = @_; my $media = "$m/$s"; if ($r =~ /(\d{14}\.(\w+)\.\w+\.\d+)_(.*\.src\.rpm)$/) { my ($prefix, $user, $srpm) = ($1, $2, $3); plog('DEBUG', "found srpm $srpm ($prefix)"); $pkg_tree{$prefix}{media}{$media}{path} = "/$f/$m/$s"; $pkg_tree{$prefix}{target} = $f; $pkg_tree{$prefix}{user} = $user; push @{$pkg_tree{$prefix}{srpms}} , $srpm; my ($name) = $srpm =~ /(.*)-[^-]+-[^-]+\.src\.rpm$/; $pkg_tree{$prefix}{srpm_name}{$name} = $srpm; } if ($r =~ /(\d{14}\.\w+\.\w+\.\d+)_([\w-]+)\.(\w+)\.([\w-]+)\.(\d{14})\.(\d+)\.lock$/) { my $prefix = $1; # Set path here too has we may have a lock without the src.rpm $pkg_tree{$prefix}{media}{$media}{path} = "/$f/$m/$s"; load_lock_file_data(\%{$pkg_tree{$prefix}}, "$todo/$f/$m/$s/$r", $media, $config); } if ($r =~ /(\d{14}\.\w+\.\w+\.\d+)_.*\.deps$/) { my $prefix = $1; my @deps = map { chomp(); $_ } cat_("$todo/$f/$m/$s/$r"); plog('DEBUG', "Adding dependency $_ ($prefix)") foreach @deps; $pkg_tree{$prefix}{deps} = \@deps; } if ($r =~ /(\d{14}\.\w+\.\w+\.\d+)_(.*)\.retry$/) { my $prefix = $1; my $arch = $2; my $mtime = stat("$todo/$f/$m/$s/$r")->mtime; my $nb_failures = cat_("$todo/$f/$m/$s/$r"); plog('DEBUG', "$prefix failed $nb_failures times, last one was as " . localtime($mtime)); if ($mtime < time) { plog('INFO', "Too early to retry $prefix"); $pkg_tree{$prefix}{media}{$media}{later}{$arch} = 1; } else { $pkg_tree{$prefix}{media}{$media}{retries}{arch}{nb_failures} = $nb_failures; } } } sub done_func { my ($_todo, $f, $m, $s, $r) = @_; my $media = "$m/$s"; if ($r =~ /^(\d{14}\.\w+\.\w+\.\d+)([_.].+)$/) { my ($prefix, $suffix) = ($1, $2); $pkg_tree{$prefix}{media}{$media}{path} = "/$f/$m/$s"; if ($suffix =~ /^_(.*\.([^.]+)\.rpm)$/) { my ($rpm, $arch) = ($1, $2); $arch = $config->{arch_translation}{$arch} if $config->{arch_translation}{$arch}; plog('DEBUG', "found already built rpm $rpm ($prefix) for media $media"); $pkg_tree{$prefix}{target} = $f; if ($arch eq 'src') { $pkg_tree{$prefix}{media}{$media}{done_arch}{src} = 1; } push @{$pkg_tree{$prefix}{media}{$media}{rpms}} , $rpm; push @{$pkg_tree{$prefix}{rpms}} , $rpm; } elsif ($suffix =~ /^_(\w+)\.(\w+)$/) { my ($arch, $result) = ($1, $2); plog('DEBUG', "found .$result ($prefix) for $arch"); if ($result eq 'done') { $pkg_tree{$prefix}{media}{$media}{done_arch}{$arch} = 1; } elsif ($result eq 'excluded') { $arch = $config->{arch_translation}{$arch} if $config->{arch_translation}{$arch}; $pkg_tree{$prefix}{media}{$media}{excluded_arch}{$arch} = 1; } elsif ($result eq 'fail') { $pkg_tree{$prefix}{media}{$media}{failed_arch}{$arch} = 1; } elsif ($result eq 'cancelled') { $pkg_tree{$prefix}{media}{$media}{cancelled_arch}{$arch} = 1; } elsif ($result eq 'uploaded') { $pkg_tree{$prefix}{media}{$media}{uploaded_arch}{$arch} = 1; } else { plog('WARNING', "unknown state $arch.$result for $prefix"); } } elsif ($suffix =~ /^\.(\w+)$/) { my $action = $1; if ($action eq 'upload') { plog('DEBUG', "found already uploaded ($prefix)"); $pkg_tree{$prefix}{media}{$media}{uploaded} = 1; } } } } apply_to_upload_tree($done, \&done_func); apply_to_upload_tree($todo, \&todo_func); return %pkg_tree; } sub schedule_next_retry { my ($config, $todo_dir, $prefix, $arch, $nb_failures) = @_; # If backoff_delays is not set, do nothing and retry forever return 1 unless defined $config->{backoff_delays}; my $backoff_delays = $config->{backoff_delays}; my $file = "$todo_dir/${prefix}_$arch.retry"; create_file($file, $nb_failures+1); if ($nb_failures >= scalar(@$backoff_delays)) { plog('INFO', "$prefix failed too many times with a retriable error ($nb_failures)"); return; } my $mtime = time + @$backoff_delays[$nb_failures]; utime(time, $mtime, $file); return 1; }