package Iurt::Chroot; use strict; use base qw(Exporter); use MDV::Distribconf::Build; use MDK::Common; use Iurt::Process qw(sudo); use Iurt::Util qw(plog); # perl_checker: use Iurt::Urpmi use File::Temp 'mktemp'; use urpm; our @EXPORT = qw( add_local_user clean_and_build_chroot clean_chroot create_build_chroot create_temp_chroot dump_rpmmacros remove_chroot ); =head2 clean_chroot($chroot, $run, $config) Create or clean a chroot I<$chroot> chroot path I<$run> is the running environment Return true. =cut sub clean_chroot { my ($chroot, $run, $config) = @_; plog('DEBUG', "clean chroot"); if (-d $chroot) { _clean_mounts($run, $config, $chroot); # Do not run rm if there is something still mounted there my @list = grep { /$chroot/ } cat_or_die('/proc/mounts'); if (@list) { # Still referenced plog('ERROR', "Not cleaning chroot (mount points still in use)"); return 1; } delete_chroot($run, $config, $chroot); } 0; } =head2 clean_and_build_chroot($chroot, $chroot_ref, $run, $config) Create or clean a chroot I<$chroot> chroot path I<$run> is the running environment Return true. =cut sub clean_and_build_chroot { my ($chroot, $chroot_ref, $run, $config) = @_; clean_chroot($chroot, $run, $config) and return 1; if (!create_build_chroot($chroot, $chroot_ref, $run, $config)) { plog('ERROR', "Failed to create chroot"); return; } if (!dump_rpmmacros($run, $config, "$chroot/home/builder/.rpmmacros")) { plog('ERROR', "Failed to dump macros"); return; } if (!sudo($config, '--bindmount', "/proc", "$chroot/proc")) { plog('ERROR', "Failed to mount proc"); return; } if (!sudo($config, '--bindmount', "/dev/pts", "$chroot/dev/pts")) { plog('ERROR', "Failed to mount dev/pts"); sudo($config, "--umount", "$chroot/proc"); return; } if (!sudo($config, '--tmpfs', "$chroot/dev/shm")) { plog('WARNING', "Failed to mount /dev/shm"); } if ($run->{icecream}) { sudo($config, '--mkdir', '-p', "$chroot/var/cache/icecream"); if (!sudo($config, '--bindmount', "/var/cache/icecream", "$chroot/var/cache/icecream")) { plog('ERROR', "Failed to mount var/cache/icecream"); _clean_mounts($run, $config, $chroot); return; } } if ($run->{additional_media} && $run->{additional_media}{repository}) { _setup_additional_media($run, $config, $chroot) or return; } 1; } sub _setup_additional_media { my ($run, $config, $chroot) = @_; my $rep = $run->{additional_media}{repository}; return 1 if !urpm::is_local_url($rep); my $mount_point = "$chroot/urpmi_medias"; my $url = urpm::file_from_local_url($rep); sudo($config, '--mkdir', '-p', $mount_point); if (!sudo($config, '--bindmount', $url, $mount_point)) { plog('ERROR', "Failed to mount $url on $mount_point"); _clean_mounts($run, $config, $chroot); return; } 1; } sub _clean_mounts { my ($run, $config, $chroot) = @_; sudo($config, "--umount", "$chroot/proc"); sudo($config, "--umount", "$chroot/dev/pts"); sudo($config, "--umount", "$chroot/dev/shm"); if ($run->{icecream}) { sudo($config, "--umount", "$chroot/var/cache/icecream"); } if (-d "$chroot/urpmi_medias") { sudo($config, "--umount", "$chroot/urpmi_medias"); } } sub dump_rpmmacros { my ($run, $config, $file) = @_; my $f; #plog("adding rpmmacros to $file"); my $tmpfile = mktemp("/tmp/rpmmacros.XXXXXX"); if (!open $f, ">$tmpfile") { plog("ERROR: could not open $tmpfile ($!)"); return 0; } my $packager = $run->{packager} || $config->{packager}; print $f qq(\%_topdir \%(echo \$HOME)/rpmbuild \%_tmppath \%(echo \$HOME)/rpmbuild/tmp/ \%distribution $config->{distribution} \%vendor $config->{vendor} \%packager $packager \%_install_langs all ); print $f join "\n", @{$run->{rpmmacros}} if defined $run->{rpmmacros}; close $f; my $ret = sudo($config, '--cp', $tmpfile, $file); unlink $tmpfile; if (!$ret) { plog("ERROR: could not write $file ($!)"); return 0; } 1; } sub add_local_user { my ($chroot_tmp, $run, $config, $luser, $uid) = @_; # change the builder user to the local user id # FIXME it seems that unionfs does not handle well the change of the # uid of files # if (system(qq|sudo chroot $chroot_tmp usermod -u $run->{uid} builder|)) { if ($uid) { if (!sudo($config, "--useradd", $chroot_tmp, $luser, $uid)) { plog('ERROR', "ERROR: setting userid $uid to $luser in " . "$chroot_tmp failed"); return; } } else { # the program has been launch as root, setting the home to /home/root for compatibility sudo($config, '--chroot', $chroot_tmp, 'usermod', '-d', "/home/$luser", '-u', $uid, '-o', '-l', $luser, 'root'); } dump_rpmmacros($run, $config, "$chroot_tmp/home/$luser/.rpmmacros") or return; 1; } sub create_temp_chroot { my ($run, $config, $chroot_tmp, $chroot_ref) = @_; plog("Install new chroot"); plog('DEBUG', "... in $chroot_tmp"); clean_and_build_chroot($chroot_tmp, $chroot_ref, $run, $config) or return; $chroot_tmp; } sub remove_chroot { my ($run, $config, $dir, $prefix) = @_; plog("Remove existing chroot"); plog('DEBUG', "... dir $dir all $run->{clean_all} prefix $prefix"); if ($run->{clean_all}) { opendir(my $chroot_dir, $dir); foreach (readdir $chroot_dir) { next if !-d "$dir/$_" || /\.{1,2}/; plog("cleaning old chroot for $_ in $dir"); clean_all_chroot_tmp($run, $config, "$dir/$_", $prefix); } } else { foreach my $user (@{$run->{clean}}) { plog("cleaning old chroot for $user in $dir"); clean_all_chroot_tmp($run, $config, "$dir/$user", $prefix); } } } sub clean_all_chroot_tmp { my ($run, $config, $chroot_dir, $prefix) = @_; plog(1, "cleaning all old chroot remaining dir in $chroot_dir"); my $dir; if (!opendir $dir, $chroot_dir) { plog("ERROR: can't open $chroot_dir ($!)"); return; } foreach (readdir($dir)) { /$prefix/ or next; delete_chroot($run, $config, "$chroot_dir/$_"); } closedir $dir; } sub delete_chroot { my ($run, $config, $chroot) = @_; _clean_mounts($run, $config, $chroot); plog(1, "cleaning $chroot"); # Needs to be added to iurt_root_command # system("$sudo /sbin/fuser -k $chroot &> /dev/null"); plog(1, "removing $chroot"); if ($run->{storage} eq 'btrfs') { sudo($config, '--btrfs_delete', $chroot); } else { sudo($config, '--rm', '-r', $chroot); } } sub check_mounted { my ($mount_point, $type) = @_; my $mount; if (!open $mount, '/proc/mounts') { plog("ERROR: could not open /proc/mounts"); return; } $mount_point =~ s,//+,/,g; local $_; while (<$mount>) { return 1 if /^\w+ $mount_point $type /; } 0; } sub check_chroot_need_update { my ($tmp_chroot, $run) = @_; my $tmp_urpmi = mktemp("$tmp_chroot/tmp.XXXXXX"); mkdir_p("$tmp_urpmi/tmp"); my @installed_pkgs = grep { !/^gpg-pubkey/ } chomp_(cat_("$tmp_chroot/var/log/qa")); my @available_pkgs = chomp_(`urpmq --urpmi-root $tmp_urpmi --use-distrib $run->{urpmi}{distrib_url} --list -f 2>/dev/null`); my @removed_pkgs = difference2(\@installed_pkgs, \@available_pkgs); rm_rf($tmp_urpmi); if (@installed_pkgs) { if (@removed_pkgs) { plog('DEBUG', "changed packages: @removed_pkgs"); plog('NOTIFY', "Rebuilding chroot tarball"); return 1; } else { plog('NOTIFY', "chroot tarball is already up-to-date"); return 0; } } else { plog('DEBUG', "can't open $tmp_chroot/var/log/qa"); plog('ERROR', "can't check chroot, recreating"); return 1; } } sub create_build_chroot { my ($chroot, $chroot_ref, $run, $config) = @_; my $ret = 0; if ($run->{storage} eq 'btrfs') { $ret = create_build_chroot_btrfs($chroot, $chroot_ref, $run, $config); } else { $ret = create_build_chroot_tar($chroot, $chroot_ref, $run, $config); } if ($ret) { my $urpmi = $run->{urpmi}; if ($urpmi->{use__urpmi_root} && !$run->{chrooted_urpmi}) { if (!$urpmi->add_media__urpmi_root($chroot, $config->{base_media})) { plog('ERROR', "urpmi.addmedia --urpmi-root failed"); return; } } } return $ret; } sub create_build_chroot_tar { my ($chroot, $chroot_tar, $run, $config) = @_; my $tmp_chroot = mktemp("$chroot.tmp.XXXXXX"); my $rebuild; my $clean = sub { plog("Remove temporary chroot"); sudo($config, '--rm', '-r', $tmp_chroot); }; plog('NOTIFY', "creating chroot"); mkdir_p($tmp_chroot); if (!-f $chroot_tar) { plog("rebuild chroot tarball"); $rebuild = 1; } else { plog('DEBUG', "decompressing /var/log/qa from $chroot_tar in $tmp_chroot"); sudo($config, '--untar', $chroot_tar, $tmp_chroot, "./var/log/qa"); $rebuild = check_chroot_need_update($tmp_chroot, $run); } if ($rebuild) { sudo($config, '--rm', '-r', $chroot); if (!build_chroot($run, $config, $tmp_chroot)) { plog('NOTIFY', "creating chroot failed."); $clean->(); return; } sudo($config, "--tar", $chroot_tar, $tmp_chroot); # This rename may fail if for example tmp chroots are in another FS # This does not matter as it will then be rm + untar rename $tmp_chroot, $chroot; } if (!-d $chroot) { plog('DEBUG', "recreate chroot $chroot"); plog('NOTIFY', "recreate chroot"); mkdir_p $chroot; sudo($config, '--untar', $chroot_tar, $chroot); plog('NOTIFY', "chroot recreated in $chroot_tar (live in $chroot)"); } $clean->(); 1; } sub create_build_chroot_btrfs { my ($chroot, $chroot_ref, $run, $config) = @_; plog('NOTIFY', "creating btrfs chroot"); if (check_chroot_need_update($chroot_ref, $run)) { sudo($config, '--btrfs_delete', $chroot_ref); if (!sudo($config, '--btrfs_create', $chroot_ref)) { plog('ERROR', "creating btrfs subvolume failed."); return; } if (!build_chroot($run, $config, $chroot_ref)) { plog('ERROR', "creating chroot failed."); sudo($config, '--btrfs_delete', $chroot_ref); return; } } sudo($config, '--btrfs_snapshot', $chroot_ref, $chroot); } sub build_chroot { my ($run, $config, $tmp_chroot) = @_; plog('DEBUG', "building the chroot with " . join(', ', @{$config->{basesystem_packages}})); sudo($config, "--mkdir", "-p", "$tmp_chroot/dev/pts", "$tmp_chroot/dev/shm", "$tmp_chroot/etc/sysconfig", "$tmp_chroot/proc", "$tmp_chroot/var/lib/rpm"); #system(qq($sudo sh -c "echo localhost > $tmp_chroot/etc/hosts")); # warly some program perform a gethostbyname(hostname) and in the cluster the # name are not resolved via DNS but via /etc/hosts sudo($config, '--cp', "/etc/hosts", "$tmp_chroot/etc/"); sudo($config, '--cp', "/etc/resolv.conf", "$tmp_chroot/etc/"); # install chroot my $urpmi = $run->{urpmi}; # perl_checker: $urpmi = Iurt::Urpmi->new if ($urpmi->{use__urpmi_root}) { if (!$urpmi->add_media__urpmi_root($tmp_chroot, $config->{base_media})) { plog('ERROR', "urpmi.addmedia --urpmi-root failed"); return 0; } } $urpmi->set_command($tmp_chroot); # (blino) install meta-task first for prefer.vendor.list to be used foreach my $packages ([ 'meta-task' ], $config->{basesystem_packages}) { if (!$urpmi->install_packages( "chroot", $tmp_chroot, $run->{local_spool}, {}, 'initialize', "[ADMIN] creation of initial chroot failed on $run->{my_arch}", { maintainer => $config->{admin} }, @$packages )) { plog('ERROR', "Failed to install initial packages during chroot creation."); return 0; } } # URPMI saying ok or not, we check this anyway. So that's why # it's outside the else. if (! -f "$tmp_chroot/usr/bin/rpmbuild") { plog(1, "ERROR: rpm-build is missing!"); return 0; } # remove files used by --urpmi-root sudo($config, "--rm", "$tmp_chroot/etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg"); sudo($config, "--rm", "$tmp_chroot/var/lib/urpmi/*"); # rpm is not running as root and cannot directly write to $tmp_chroot/var/log/qa system("rpm -qa --root $tmp_chroot --qf '\%{NAME}-\%{VERSION}-\%{RELEASE}.\%{ARCH}\n' | sort > $tmp_chroot/tmp/qa"); sudo($config, "--cp", "$tmp_chroot/tmp/qa", "$tmp_chroot/var/log/qa"); unlink("$tmp_chroot/tmp/qa"); sudo($config, "--mkdir", "$tmp_chroot/etc/skel/rpmbuild/$_") foreach "", qw(RPMS BUILD SPECS SRPMS SOURCES tmp); # # CM: Choose a sub-500 uid to prevent collison with $luser # sudo($config, "--useradd", $tmp_chroot, 'builder', 499); # FIXME: Be careful! Damn ugly hack right below! sudo($config, "--rm", "$tmp_chroot/var/lib/rpm/__db*"); _clean_mounts($run, $config, $tmp_chroot); 1; } 1;