path: root/lib/Iurt/Process.pm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Iurt/Process.pm')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Iurt/Process.pm b/lib/Iurt/Process.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6982a65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Iurt/Process.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+package Iurt::Process;
+use strict;
+use base qw(Exporter);
+use MDK::Common;
+use Filesys::Df qw(df);
+use Iurt::Mail qw(sendmail);
+use Iurt::Config qw(dump_cache_par);
+use Iurt::Util qw(plog);
+use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
+our @EXPORT = qw(
+ kill_for_good
+ clean_process
+ check_pid
+ clean
+ perform_command
+ sudo
+=head2 config_usage($program_name, $run)
+Check that there is no other program running and create a pidfile lock
+I<$run> current running options
+Return true.
+# CM: this actually doesn't offer race-free locking, a better system
+# should be designed
+sub check_pid {
+ my ($run) = @_;
+ my $pidfile = "$run->{pidfile_home}/$run->{pidfile}";
+ # Squash double slashes for cosmetics
+ $pidfile =~ s!/+!/!g;
+ plog('DEBUG', "check pidfile: $pidfile");
+ if (-f $pidfile) {
+ my (@stat) = stat $pidfile;
+ open my $test_PID, $pidfile;
+ my $pid = <$test_PID>;
+ close $test_PID;
+ if (!$pid) {
+ plog('ERR', "ERROR: invalid pidfile ($pid), should be <pid>");
+ unlink $pidfile;
+ }
+ if ($pid && getpgrp $pid != -1) {
+ my $time = $stat[9];
+ my $state = `ps h -o state $pid`;
+ chomp $state;
+ if ($time < time()-7200 || $state eq 'Z') {
+ my $i;
+ plog('WARN', "another instance [$pid] is too old, killing it");
+ while ($i < 5 && getpgrp $pid != -1) {
+ kill_for_good($pid);
+ $i++;
+ sleep 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ plog("another instance [$pid] is already running for ",
+ time()-$time, " seconds");
+ exit();
+ }
+ } else {
+ plog('WARN', "cleaning stale lockfile");
+ unlink $pidfile;
+ }
+ }
+ open my $PID, ">$pidfile"
+ or die "FATAL: can't open pidfile $pidfile for writing";
+ print $PID $$;
+ close $PID;
+ $pidfile;
+=head2 perform_command($command, $run, $config, $cache, %opt)
+Run a command and check various running parameters such as log size, timeout...
+I<$command> the command to run
+I<$run> current running options
+I<$config> the configuration
+I<$cache> cached values
+I<%opt> the options for the command run
+Return true.
+sub perform_command {
+ my ($command, $run, $config, $cache, %opt) = @_;
+ $opt{timeout} ||= 300;
+ $opt{freq} ||= 24;
+ $opt{type} ||= 'shell';
+ plog('DEBUG', "Timeout $opt{timeout}");
+ my ($output, $fulloutput, $comment);
+ my ($kill, $pipe);
+ if ($opt{debug}) {
+ if ($opt{type} eq 'perl') {
+ print "Would run perl command with timeout = $opt{timeout}\n";
+ } else {
+ print "Would run $command with timeout = $opt{timeout}\n";
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { print "Broken pipe!\n"; $pipe = 1 };
+ my $retry = $opt{retry} || 1;
+ my $call_ret = 1;
+ my ($err, $pid, $try);
+ my $logfile = "$opt{log}/$opt{logname}.$run->{run}.log";
+ my $max_retry = $config->{max_command_retry} < $retry ?
+ $retry : $config->{max_command_retry};
+ while ($retry) {
+ $try++;
+ if ($opt{retry} > 1) {
+ $logfile = "$opt{log}/$opt{logname}-$try.$run->{run}.log";
+ }
+ if ($opt{log}) {
+ my $parent_pid = $$;
+ $pid = fork();
+ #close STDIN; close STDERR;close STDOUT;
+ my $tot_time;
+ if (!$pid) {
+ plog('DEBUG', "Forking to monitor log size");
+ $run->{main} = 0;
+ local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { exit() };
+ $tot_time += sleep 30;
+ my $size_limit = $config->{log_size_limit};
+ $size_limit =~ s/k/000/i;
+ $size_limit =~ s/M/000000/i;
+ $size_limit =~ s/G/000000000/i;
+ while ($tot_time < $opt{timeout}) {
+ my (@stat) = stat $logfile;
+ if ($stat[7] > $size_limit) {
+ plog('WARN', "WARNING: killing current command because of log size exceeding limit ($stat[7] > $config->{log_size_limit})");
+ kill 14, "-$parent_pid";
+ exit();
+ }
+ my $df = df $opt{log};
+ if ($df->{per} == 100) {
+ plog('WARN', "WARNING: killing current command because running out of disk space (only $df->{bavail}KB left)");
+ kill 14, "-$parent_pid";
+ exit();
+ }
+ $tot_time += sleep 30;
+ }
+ exit();
+ }
+ }
+ eval {
+ local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {
+ print "Timeout!\n";
+ $kill = 1;
+ die "alarm\n"; # NB: \n required
+ };
+ alarm $opt{timeout};
+ if ($opt{type} eq 'perl') {
+ plog('DEBUG', "perl command");
+ $command->[0](@{$command->[1]});
+ } else {
+ plog('DEBUG', $command);
+ if ($opt{log}) {
+ #$output = `$command 2>&1 2>&1 | tee $opt{log}/$opt{hash}.$run.log`;
+ system("$command &> $logfile");
+ } else {
+ $output = `$command 2>&1`;
+ }
+ }
+ alarm 0;
+ };
+ $err = $?;
+ $err = 0 if any { $_ == $err } @{$opt{error_ok}};
+ # kill pid watching log file size
+ if ($pid) {
+ kill_for_good($pid);
+ }
+ if ($@) { # timed out
+ # propagate unexpected errors
+ die "FATAL: unexpected signal ($@)" unless $@ eq "alarm\n";
+ }
+ # Keep the run first on the harddrive so that one can check the
+ # command status tailing it
+ if ($opt{log} && open my $log, $logfile) {
+ local $/;
+ $output = <$log>;
+ }
+ $fulloutput .= $output;
+ if (ref $opt{callback}) {
+ $call_ret = $opt{callback}(\%opt, $output);
+ $call_ret == -1 and return 1;
+ $call_ret == -2 and return 0;
+ }
+ if ($kill && $opt{type} ne 'shell') {
+ $comment = "Command killed after $opt{timeout}s: $command\n";
+ my ($cmd_to_kill) = $command =~ /sudo(?: chroot \S+)? (.*)/;
+ clean_process($run, $cmd_to_kill, $run->{verbose});
+ } elsif ($pipe) {
+ $comment = "Command received SIGPIPE: $command\n";
+ sendmail($config->{admin}, '' ,
+ "$opt{hash} on $run->{my_arch} for $run->{media}: broken pipe",
+ "$comment\n$output", "Iurt the build bot <$config->{admin}>",
+ $opt{debug_mail});
+ } else {
+ if ($opt{type} eq 'shell') {
+ $comment = "Command failed: $command\n";
+ } else {
+ $comment = "Command failed: $opt{type}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # Maybe this has to be put before all the commands altering the
+ # $output var
+ my $inc;
+ if ($opt{wait_regexp}) {
+ foreach my $wr (keys %{$opt{wait_regexp}}) {
+ if ($output =~ /$wr/m) {
+ if (ref $opt{wait_regexp}{$wr}) {
+ $inc = $opt{wait_regexp}{$wr}(\%opt, $output);
+ }
+ plog('ERR', "ERROR: $wr !");
+ sendmail($config->{admin}, '' , "$opt{hash} on $run->{my_arch} for $run->{media}: could not proceed", "$wr\n\n$comment\n$output", "Iurt the rebuild bot <$config->{admin}>", $opt{debug_mail}) if $opt{wait_mail};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($inc && $try < $max_retry) {
+ $retry += $inc;
+ } elsif ($call_ret && !$kill && !$err && !$opt{error_regexp} || $fulloutput !~ /$opt{error_regexp}/) {
+ $retry = 0;
+ } else {
+ $retry--;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$call_ret || $kill || $err || $opt{error_regexp} && $fulloutput =~ /$opt{error_regexp}/) {
+ plog('ERR', "ERROR: call_ret=$call_ret kill=$kill err=$err ($opt{error_regexp})");
+ if ($opt{log} && $config->{log_url}) {
+ $comment = qq(See $config->{log_url}/$run->{distro_tag}/$run->{my_arch}/$run->{media}/log/$opt{srpm}/\n\n$comment);
+ }
+ my $out;
+ if (length $fulloutput < 10000) {
+ $out = $fulloutput;
+ } else {
+ $out = "Message too big, see http link for details\n";
+ }
+ if ($opt{mail} && $config->{sendmail} && !$config->{no_mail}{$opt{mail}}) {
+ if (! ($cache->{warning}{$opt{hash}}{$opt{mail}} % $opt{freq})) {
+ my $cc = join ',', grep { !$config->{no_mail}{$_} } split ',', $opt{cc};
+ sendmail($opt{mail}, $cc, $opt{error} , "$comment\n$out", "Iurt the rebuild bot <$config->{admin}>", $opt{debug_mail});
+ } elsif ($config->{admin}) {
+ sendmail($config->{admin}, '' , $opt{error}, "$comment\n$out", "Iurt the rebuild bot <$config->{admin}>", $opt{debug_mail});
+ }
+ }
+ $cache->{warning}{$opt{hash}}{$opt{mail}}++;
+ plog('FAIL', $comment);
+ plog('WARN', "--------------- Command failed, full output follows ---------------");
+ plog('INFO', $fulloutput);
+ plog('WARN', "--------------- end of command output ---------------");
+ if ($opt{die}) {
+ dump_cache_par($run);
+ die "FATAL: $opt{error}.";
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ 1;
+sub clean_process {
+ my ($run, $match, $verbose) = @_;
+ return clean($run, $match, "pgrep -u root -f", "sudo pkill -9 -u root -f", $verbose);
+sub clean {
+ my ($_run, $var, $cmd, $kill_cmd, $_verbose) = @_;
+ plog('DEBUG', "clean command $var");
+ $var or die "FATAL: no command given\n.";
+ my $ps;
+ my $i;
+ while ($ps = `$cmd "$var"`) {
+ system(qq($kill_cmd "$var" &>/dev/null));
+ sleep 1;
+ $ps =~ s/\n/,/g;
+ plog('WARN', "Trying to remove previous blocked processes for $var ($ps)");
+ waitpid(-1, POSIX::WNOHANG);
+ return 0 if $i++ > 10;
+ }
+ 1;
+sub kill_for_good {
+ my ($pid) = @_;
+ kill 14, $pid;
+ sleep 1;
+ waitpid(-1, POSIX::WNOHANG);
+ if (getpgrp $pid != -1) {
+ kill 15, $pid;
+ sleep 1;
+ waitpid(-1, POSIX::WNOHANG);
+ if (getpgrp $pid != -1) {
+ print STDERR "WARNING: have to kill -9 pid $pid\n";
+ kill 9, $pid;
+ sleep 1;
+ waitpid(-1, POSIX::WNOHANG);
+ }
+ }
+sub sudo {
+ my ($_run, $config, @arg) = @_;
+ #plog("Running $config->{iurt_root_command} @arg");
+ -x $config->{iurt_root_command}
+ or die "FATAL: $config->{iurt_root_command} command not found";
+ !system('/usr/bin/sudo', $config->{iurt_root_command}, @arg);