#!/usr/bin/python3 from BuildManager.optionparser import * from BuildManager.build import * from BuildManager import * import fnmatch import logging import sys, os import pwd AUTHOR = "Gustavo Niemeyer , papoteur " VERSION = "3.4" def passtrough(option, opt, val, parser): opts = parser.values if opt == "--define": assert option.nargs == 1 opts.options.insert(0, opt) opts.options.insert(1, "'%s'" % parser.rargs[0].replace("'", r"\'")) else: opts.options.append(opt) for val in parser.rargs[:option.nargs]: opts.options.append("'%s'" % val.replace("'", r"\'")) del parser.rargs[:option.nargs] def parse_options(): workDir = os.getcwd() parser = OptionParser("%prog [OPTIONS] [] [] []", version="%prog "+VERSION) parser.add_option("-a", dest="mode", action="store_const", const="all", help="do everything and build source and binary packages" " (default)", default="all") parser.add_option("-u", dest="mode", action="store_const", const="unpack", help="just unpack - default directory is \""+workDir+"\"") parser.add_option("-p", dest="mode", action="store_const", const="prep", help="unpack and run %prep stage") parser.add_option("-r", dest="mode", action="store_const", const="generate_buildrequires", help="unpack, run %prep and generate buildrequires") parser.add_option("-c", dest="mode", action="store_const", const="compile", help="unpack, run %prep, and compile") parser.add_option("-i", dest="mode", action="store_const", const="install", help="unpack, run %prep, compile and install"), parser.add_option("-s", dest="mode", action="store_const", const="source", help="do everything and build source packages") parser.add_option("-b", dest="mode", action="store_const", const="binary", help="do everything and build binary packages") parser.add_option("-l", dest="show_log", action="store_true", help="show rpm output, besides copying to the log file") parser.add_option("-j", dest="parallel", metavar="N", type="int", default=1, help="specify number of packages to build in parallel") parser.add_option("-o", dest="options", action="append", metavar="OPT", default=[], help="pass given parameters directly to rpm") parser.add_option("--unpack-dir", metavar="DIR", default=workDir, help="specify directory where to unpack file(s)") parser.add_option("--build-log", metavar="FILE", help="specify where to put the build log for each package") parser.add_option("--move-srpm", metavar="DIR", help="move built srpm packages to given directory") parser.add_option("--move-rpm", metavar="DIR", help="move built rpm packages to given directory") parser.add_option("--move-failed-srpm", metavar="DIR", help="move original srpm packages to given directory, if failed") parser.add_option("--copy-failed-srpm", metavar="DIR", help="copy original srpm packages to given directory, if failed") parser.add_option("--remove-failed-srpm", action="store_true", help="remove original srpm packages, if failed") parser.add_option("--move-succeeded-srpm", metavar="DIR", help="move original srpm packages to given directory, if succeeded") parser.add_option("--copy-succeeded-srpm", metavar="DIR", help="copy original srpm packages to given directory, if succeeded") parser.add_option("--remove-succeeded-srpm", action="store_true", help="remove original srpm packages, if succeeded") parser.add_option("--move-log", metavar="DIR", help="move log files to given directory") parser.add_option("--move-failed-log", metavar="DIR", help="move log files to given directory, if failed") parser.add_option("--filter-renew", metavar="DIR", action="append", default=[], help="don't build packages if a newer version exists in given directory") parser.add_option("--filter-refresh", metavar="DIR", action="append", default=[], help="only build packages if an older version exists in given directory") parser.add_option("--clean", action="store_true", help="recursively remove directory used as topdir after the build process") parser.add_option("--clean-on-success", action="store_true", help="same as --clean, but only remove if build has succeeded") parser.add_option("--ignore", metavar="PKGNAME", action="append", default=[], help="ignore given package names (shell globbing allowed)") # Passtrough options parser.add_option("--sign", action="callback", nargs=0, callback=passtrough, help="pass this option to rpm") parser.add_option("--nodeps", action="callback", nargs=0, callback=passtrough, help="pass this option to rpm") parser.add_option("--noclean", action="callback", nargs=0, callback=passtrough, help="pass this option to rpm") parser.add_option("--debug", action="callback", nargs=0, callback=passtrough, help="pass this option to rpm") parser.add_option("--short-circuit", action="callback", nargs=0, callback=passtrough, help="pass this option to rpm") parser.add_option("--with", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=passtrough, help="pass this option to rpm") parser.add_option("--without", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=passtrough, help="pass this option to rpm") parser.add_option("--define", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=passtrough, help="pass this option to rpm") parser.add_option("--target", action="callback", nargs=1, callback=passtrough, help="pass this option to rpm") parser.add_option("--dryrun", dest="dryrun", action="store_true", help="do not commit changes to the system") parser.add_option("--log", dest="loglevel", metavar="LEVEL", help="set logging level to LEVEL (debug, info, " "warning, error)", default="info") opts, args = parser.parse_args() opts.args = args if not opts.args: # Let's try to find a spec file by ourselves dir = os.getcwd() if dir[-6:] == "/SPECS": dir = "./" elif os.path.isdir("./SPECS"): dir = "./SPECS" else: while dir != "/": dir = os.path.dirname(dir) tmpdir = dir+"/SPECS" if os.path.isdir(tmpdir): dir = tmpdir break else: raise Error("couldn't guess SPECS directory") filelist = os.listdir(dir) for file in filelist[:]: if file[-5:] != ".spec": filelist.remove(file) if len(filelist) != 1: raise Error("couldn't guess spec file in "+dir) opts.args = [os.path.join(dir, filelist[0])] else: # Detect directories with a SPECS/ directory inside it for i in range(len(opts.args)): specsdir = os.path.join(opts.args[i]+"/SPECS") if os.path.isdir(specsdir): filelist = os.listdir(specsdir) for file in filelist[:]: if file[-5:] != ".spec": filelist.remove(file) if len(filelist) != 1: raise Error("couldn't guess spec file in "+specsdir) opts.args[i] = os.path.join(specsdir, filelist[0]) opts.filter_renew = [y for x in opts.filter_renew for y in x.split()] opts.filter_refresh = [y for x in opts.filter_refresh for y in x.split()] for attr in ["unpack_dir", "move_srpm", "move_rpm", "move_failed_srpm", "copy_failed_srpm", "move_succeeded_srpm", "copy_succeeded_srpm", "move_log", "move_failed_log", "filter_renew", "filter_refresh"]: attrval = getattr(opts, attr) error = False if type(attrval) is list: for attrval in attrval: if attrval and not os.path.isdir(attrval): error = True break else: if attrval and not os.path.isdir(attrval): error = True if error: raise Error("value of --%s must be a directory" \ % attr.replace("_", "-")) old_ignore = opts.ignore opts.ignore = [] for ignore in old_ignore: for item in ignore.split(): opts.ignore.append(re.compile(fnmatch.translate(item))) return opts def main(): # Get the right $HOME, even when using sudo. if os.getuid() == 0: os.environ["HOME"] = pwd.getpwuid(0)[5] try: opts = parse_options() logger.setLevel(logging.getLevelName(opts.loglevel.upper())) logger.debug("starting bm") builder = PackageBuilder(opts) status = builder.run() except Error as e: logger.error(str(e)) logger.debug("finishing bm with error") sys.exit(1) else: logger.debug("finishing bm") sys.exit(int(not status)) if __name__ == "__main__": main() # vim:et:ts=4:sw=4