package BCD::Common; use strict; use XML::Simple; use MDK::Common; use Term::ANSIColor; use File::Copy::Recursive qw(dircopy pathrm); use File::Glob ':glob'; use BCD::Bcd qw(:DEFAULT); our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(create_needed_dir check_dir clean_all print_color); # export all needed var our @EXPORT_OK = qw($isoconf $wd $name $arch $file $based_on $version $repo $isodir $builddir $distrib_path $error_color $DISTRIB $THEME $tmp_rpmsrate $NB_FORK $dir_deps @list_of_removed $rpmrc $pwd_file $conf_file $date); my $LOG="COMMON -"; my $color = "red"; our @list_of_removed; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,undef,undef,undef)= localtime(time); $year = $year + 1900; $mon = $mon + 1; our $date = $year . '_' . $mon . '_' . $mday . '-' . $hour . 'h' . $min . '-' . $sec; sub whereisthedoc { print_color(" 'man bcd' and man 'conf.xml'\nREAD the full documentation in pdf format available in the /usr/share/doc/bcd dir",$color) and exit 1; } if (!$ARGV[0]) { print_color(" First arg must be the XML file to use!", $color); whereisthedoc; } elsif (!$ARGV[1]) { print_color(" You must do an action ! actions are:", $color); print_color("###\nstagex isolinux clean media gendistrib rpmcheck list mediarepo checkrepo all\nmd5 resign clean doble nodoble kernel info iso verbose\n###", $color); whereisthedoc; } our $conf_file = $ARGV[0]; our $isoconf = XMLin($conf_file, keyattr => ['']); our $DISTRIB = $isoconf->{theme}{name}; our $THEME = $isoconf->{theme}{theme}; our $name = $isoconf->{nameid}; our $NB_FORK = $isoconf->{nb_fork}; our $wd = $isoconf->{workdir}{path}; our $arch = $isoconf->{arch}; our $version = $isoconf->{mediainfo}{version}; our $repo = $isoconf->{repo}{path}; our $based_on = $isoconf->{based_on}; $DISTRIB or print_color("You must define the tag",$color) and exit 1; $THEME or print_color("You must define the tag",$color) and exit 1; $name or print_color("You must define the tag",$color) and exit 1; $wd or print_color("You must define the tag",$color) and exit 1; $arch or print_color("You must define the tag",$color) and exit 1; $NB_FORK or print_color("You must define the tag",$color) and exit 1; $version or print_color("You must define the ", $color) and exit 1; $repo or print_color("You must define the tag",$color) and exit 1; $based_on or print_color("You must define the tag",$color) and exit 1; # password file #"/home/plop/.signature.gpg"; our $pwd_file = $isoconf->{signature}; #"/home/plop/.rpmrc"; our $rpmrc = $isoconf->{rpmrc}; # where to store urpmq queries results our $dir_deps = "/var/lib/bcd/$name-$version-$arch"; our $builddir = "$wd/$isoconf->{iso}{genisoimage}{builddir}/$name-$version-$arch/$arch"; our $isodir = "$wd/$isoconf->{iso}{genisoimage}{isodir}/$name-$version-$arch"; # distrib path in chroot (mounted loop) our $distrib_path = "/tmp/distrib"; our $tmp_rpmsrate = "/tmp/rpmsrate_$name-$version-$arch"; our $error_color = "blue on_magenta"; sub print_color { my ($text, $color) = @_; print color $color; print "$text\n"; print color 'reset'; } sub create_needed_dir { my ($dir) = @_; # create needed dir to create the build tree, and to store the ISO if (! -d $dir) { #mkdir $dir, 0755; print_color("$LOG creation of $dir", $color); mkdir_p($dir); } else { print_color("$LOG $dir already exist", $color); } } sub check_dir { create_needed_dir($builddir); create_needed_dir("$builddir/$isoconf->{mediainfo}{mediainfo_dir}"); create_needed_dir($isodir); create_needed_dir("/tmp/$isoconf->{nameid}-$version-$isoconf->{arch}"); } sub clean_all { my @l = glob("/tmp/$isoconf->{nameid}-$version-$isoconf->{arch}/$distrib_path/*"); foreach (@l) { $_ or next; if (-f "$_" || -d "$_") { print_color("Distribution repositery already mounted exiting !\n Check /tmp/$isoconf->{nameid}-$version-$isoconf->{arch}/$distrib_path directory", $color); print_color("sudo umount /tmp/$isoconf->{nameid}-$version-$isoconf->{arch}$distrib_path", $error_color); foreach my $media (@{$isoconf->{media}{list}}) { $media->{name} or next; $media->{external}{name} and print_color("You should check also umount the external media /tmp/$isoconf->{nameid}-$version-$isoconf->{arch}/tmp/$media->{external}{name}\nsudo umount /tmp/$isoconf->{nameid}-$version-$isoconf->{arch}/tmp/$media->{external}{name}", $error_color); } print_color("WARNING: if you didnt umount repositery or external media you can erase them unless they are mounted bind in RO mode.", $color); exit 1; } } print_color("$LOG rmdir /tmp/$isoconf->{nameid}-$version-$isoconf->{arch}", $color); system("sudo rm -rf /tmp/$isoconf->{nameid}-$version-$isoconf->{arch}"); print_color("$LOG rmdir $builddir", $color); #pathrm("$wd/$isoconf->{iso}{genisoimage}{builddir}/$name/$arch") or die $!; -d $builddir and system("rm -rf $builddir"); print_color("$LOG rmdir $isodir", $color); #pathrm("$wd/$isoconf->{iso}{genisoimage}{isodir}/$name/$arch") or die $!; -d $isodir and system("rm -rf $isodir"); } 1;