package BCD::CheckMedia; use strict; use MDK::Common; use BCD::Common qw(:DEFAULT $isoconf $version $arch $repo $builddir $distrib_path $error_color $DISTRIB $THEME $rpmcheck_list_pkg $file_rpmcheck_log $file_smartcheck_log $smartcheck_list_pkg $smartcheck_dir $chroot_path); use BCD::Media; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(check_repo_hdlist rpmcheck_launch smartcheck_launch rpmcheck_list smartcheck_list check_launch); my $LOG="CHECKMEDIA -"; my $color = "blue"; my $chroot_path = "/tmp/$isoconf->{nameid}-$version-$isoconf->{arch}"; sub rpmcheck_list { my @toget = cat_($rpmcheck_list_pkg); my $todo = @toget; if ($todo ne "0") { print_color("$LOG calculate deps from the auto-generated rpmcheck list file", $error_color); my $list_filename = "$isoconf->{tocopy_file}_todo_rpmcheck"; my $list = "$chroot_path/urpmq/$list_filename"; my $urpmq_options = "--requires-recursive -c --sources $isoconf->{mediainfo}{urpmi_option}"; my $pkgs; foreach (@toget) { $_ or next; chomp($_); $pkgs = "$_ " . $pkgs } my $cmd_do_it = "LC_ALL=C sudo -P chroot $chroot_path urpmq --prefer $DISTRIB,$THEME $urpmq_options --no-suggests"; do_fork($pkgs, $list_filename, $list, $cmd_do_it); } else { print_color("$LOG No rpmcheck error", $error_color); } } sub smartcheck_list { my @toget = cat_($smartcheck_list_pkg); my $todo = @toget; if ($todo ne "0") { print_color("$LOG calculate deps from the auto-generated smart list file", $error_color); my $list_filename = "$isoconf->{tocopy_file}_todo_smartcheck"; my $list = "$chroot_path/urpmq/$list_filename"; my $urpmq_options = "--requires-recursive -c --sources $isoconf->{mediainfo}{urpmi_option}"; my $pkgs; foreach (@toget) { $_ or next; chomp($_); $pkgs = "$_ " . $pkgs } my $cmd_do_it = "LC_ALL=C sudo -P chroot $chroot_path urpmq --prefer $DISTRIB,$THEME $urpmq_options --no-suggests"; do_fork($pkgs, $list_filename, $list, $cmd_do_it); } else { print_color("$LOG No smart check error", $error_color); } } sub rpmcheck_launch { my $options = "-explain -failures"; my $destmedia = "0"; print_color("$LOG launch rpmcheck to check hdlists", $color); foreach my $media (@{$isoconf->{media}{list}}) { $media->{name} or next; $media->{drop} =~ /yes/ and BCD::Media::drop_media("$media->{name}-release"); if ($destmedia eq $media->{destmedia}) { next } $destmedia = $media->{destmedia}; system("cp $builddir/media/$destmedia/media_info/ $builddir/media/media_info/hdlist_$media->{name}.cz"); } my $cmd = "zcat $builddir/media/media_info/hdlist*.cz | rpmcheck $options"; print_color("$LOG $cmd", $color); system("$cmd 2> /dev/null > $file_rpmcheck_log") == 0 or die "$LOG system $cmd failed: $?\n"; open my $LIST_FAILURE, ">$rpmcheck_list_pkg.tmp"; my @list_failure = cat_($file_rpmcheck_log); foreach my $package (@list_failure) { print $package; my ($package2) = $package =~ /^\s+(\S*)\s/; $package2 and print $LIST_FAILURE "$package2\n"; } close $LIST_FAILURE; system("cat $rpmcheck_list_pkg.tmp | sort | uniq > $rpmcheck_list_pkg"); print_color("$LOG check this file $file_rpmcheck_log", $color); print_color("$LOG check this file $rpmcheck_list_pkg", $color); } sub smartcheck_launch { my $options = "-o sync-urpmi-medialist=no --data-dir $smartcheck_dir"; system("rm -rf $smartcheck_dir $smartcheck_list_pkg"); my $destmedia = "0"; my $MEDIAS; my $MEDIASWITHCOMMA; print_color("$LOG launch smart to check synthesys", $color); foreach my $media (@{$isoconf->{media}{list}}) { $media->{name} or next; $media->{drop} =~ /yes/ and BCD::Media::drop_media("$media->{name}-release"); if ($destmedia eq $media->{destmedia}) { next } $destmedia = $media->{destmedia}; $MEDIAS = $MEDIAS . " " . $media->{name}; $MEDIASWITHCOMMA = $media->{name} . "," . $MEDIASWITHCOMMA; my $cmd = "smart channel --yes $options --add $media->{name} type=urpmi baseurl=$builddir/media/$media->{destmedia}/ hdlurl=media_info/"; system($cmd); } system("smart update $options $MEDIAS"); chop($MEDIASWITHCOMMA); my $cmd = "smart check $options --channels=$MEDIASWITHCOMMA 2>&1 | egrep -v '(Loading cache|Updating cache)' | awk -F 'requires' '{print \$2}' | sort | uniq >> $smartcheck_list_pkg"; system("du $smartcheck_list_pkg"); print_color("$LOG $cmd", $color); system("$cmd > $file_smartcheck_log") == 0 or die "$LOG system $cmd failed: $?\n"; open my $LIST_FAILURE, ">$smartcheck_list_pkg.tmp"; my @list_failure = cat_($file_smartcheck_log); foreach my $package (@list_failure) { print $package; my ($package2) = $package =~ /^\s+(\S*)\s/; $package2 and print $LIST_FAILURE "$package2\n"; } close $LIST_FAILURE; system("cat $smartcheck_list_pkg.tmp | sort | uniq > $smartcheck_list_pkg"); print_color("$LOG check this file $file_smartcheck_log", $color); print_color("$LOG check this file $smartcheck_list_pkg", $color); } sub check_launch { if (!defined($isoconf->{checktool})) { print_color("$LOG BCD will use rpmcheck to verify hdlist. You can use choose between smart or rpmcheck, just add the option smart/rpmcheck in the XML configuration file", $color); rpmcheck_launch; } elsif ($isoconf->{checktool} =~ /rpmcheck/) { print_color("$LOG BCD will use rpmcheck to verify hdlist.", $color); rpmcheck_launch; } else { print_color("$LOG BCD will use smart check to verify hdlist.", $color); smartcheck_launch; } } sub check_repo_hdlist { my $options = "-explain -failures"; print_color("$LOG check media repositery hdlists in $repo/$version/$arch", $color); system("zcat $repo/$version/$arch/media/media_info/hdlist* | rpmcheck $options"); } 1;