package BCD::Bcd; use strict; use XML::Simple; use Data::Dumper; use Pod::Usage; use MDK::Common; use BCD::Resign; use BCD::Common qw(:DEFAULT $wd $isoconf $name $arch $version $isodir $builddir $error_color $dir_deps); use BCD::Genisoimage; use BCD::Isolinux; use BCD::Stagex; use BCD::Media; use BCD::Web; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(main_bcd); our $conf_file; my $color = "cyan"; sub print_info() { print Dumper($isoconf); } sub help_bcd { pod2usage('-verbose' => 2, '-input' => "bcd.pod", '-pathlist' => @INC); } sub do_all { my ($option) = @_; clean_all; check_dir; main_isolinux; main_stagex; main_media($option); main_iso($option); main_html; show_info(); } sub show_info { print "\n"; print "ISO dir: $isodir\n"; print "build dir: $builddir\n"; print "LOG of media: /tmp/$name-$version-$arch\n"; print "stored URPMQ result: /var/lib/bcd/$name-$version-$arch\n"; print "\n"; } sub main_bcd() { my %opts = ( '' => \&help_bcd, info => \&print_info, iso => \&main_iso, md5 => \&create_md5, stagex => \&main_stagex, isolinux => \&main_isolinux, media => \&main_media, gendistrib => \&use_gendistrib, clean => \&clean_all, list => \&list_media, mediarepo => \&list_medias_available, checkrepo => \&check_repo_hdlist, rpmcheck => \&rpmcheck_launch, smartcheck => \&smartcheck_launch, doble => \&solve_doble_issue, kernel => \&find_all_kernel, resign => \&resign_media, getsrpm => \&get_srpms_list, clean => \&clean_urpmq_log, html => \&main_html, all => \&do_all, ); if (! -d $dir_deps) { print_color(" I will create $dir_deps to store all urpmq queries", $error_color); print_color(" Please give full access RW to your current user to this directory", $color); mkdir_p($dir_deps); } print_color("-- If you don't want to use previous urpmq query:\n ++ remove the directory $dir_deps\n ++ or remove the file wich contains the urpmq result for the package to redo an another one (ie: the file $dir_deps/tocopy_plop_todo_Main-drakconf)", $color); # $ARGV[0] or help_bcd; # -f $ARGV[0] or die "Cant acces to conf file $ARGV[0]\n"; if (my $f = $opts{$ARGV[1]}) { if ($ARGV[2]) { my $options; foreach my $arg (2 .. $#ARGV) { $arg and $options = $options . ' ' . $ARGV[$arg]; } $f->($options); } else { $f->(); } } else { print_color(" ** Dont know what todo ** \n unknow option", $error_color); } } 1;