path: root/BCD/Web.pm
diff options
authorAntoine Ginies <aginies@mandriva.com>2010-10-06 07:58:18 +0000
committerAntoine Ginies <aginies@mandriva.com>2010-10-06 07:58:18 +0000
commitb364785ea90e60806aaaec56d15bcc70a74daf6d (patch)
treeda257e1277bd0218929f12fde2e318657067eb16 /BCD/Web.pm
parent46324a3fd9b86040b16dc3070b3a22438f7a616d (diff)
end of the move
Diffstat (limited to 'BCD/Web.pm')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/BCD/Web.pm b/BCD/Web.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..235e375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BCD/Web.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+package BCD::Web;
+use strict;
+use BCD::Media qw($rpmcheck_list_pkg $file_rpmcheck_log);
+use BCD::Genisoimage qw($isoname);
+use URPM;
+use File::Slurp;
+use MDK::Common;
+use BCD::Common qw(:DEFAULT $isoconf $isodir $wd $arch $version $based_on $repo $THEME $name $conf_file $date);
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw(main_html);
+my $verbose;
+my $LOG="MEDIA -";
+my $color = "pink";
+my $index = $isoconf->{nameid} . '-' . $isoconf->{mediainfo}{version} . '-' . $isoconf->{arch} . ".html";
+my $public_html = "~/public_html";
+my $webdir = "$public_html/$isoname-$date";
+map { !-d "$webdir/$_" and system("mkdir -p $webdir/$_"); } qw(log rpmcheck input iso);
+sub main_html {
+ #next_build_info;
+ show_general_info();
+ copy_conf();
+ link_input();
+ prep_build_log();
+ show_rpmcheck();
+ rename_iso();
+ link_urpmq_log();
+ clean_previous_iso();
+ link_iso();
+ open my $B, ">>$index";
+ print $B "</html>";
+ close $B;
+ system("mv $index $webdir/");
+ system("ln -sf $webdir/$index $webdir/index.html");
+sub show_general_info {
+ my $date_repo;
+ if (-f "$repo/$based_on/$arch/VERSION") {
+ $date_repo = read_file("$repo/$based_on/$arch/VERSION");
+ } else { $date_repo = "UNKNOW date"; print "You should check that a VERSION file is present"; }
+ open my $B, ">$index";
+ print $B "<HTML>
+ <HEAD>
+ <STYLE TYPE='text/css'>
+a:link {
+ color: #0073c7;
+ background-color: inherit;
+a:visited {
+ color: #5A88B5;
+ background-color: inherit;
+a:active {
+ color: #0073c7;
+ background-color: #f0f0f0;
+h2 {
+ padding: 0.2em;
+ margin: 0 0 0.5em 0;
+ border: 1px solid #405871;
+ background-color: inherit;
+ color: #036;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ font-size: 22px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+h1 {
+ padding: 0.2em 0 0.2em 0.7em;
+ margin: 10px 0 0.5em 0;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ background: #FF7700;
+ color: white;
+h3 {
+ background-color: inherit;
+ color: #ff7700;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ margin: 1.3em 0 0.4em 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ </STYLE>
+ </HEAD>
+ <TITLE>$isoname</TITLE>
+ <h1 name='main h1'>$isoname build at $date</h1>
+ <BODY>
+ ";
+ print $B "<ul>\n";
+ print $B "<li>Date of the synchronisation to the cooker repository: <b>$date_repo</b></li>\n";
+ print $B "<li>Configuration file used: <a href='$conf_file'>$conf_file</a></li>\n";
+ print $B "<li>Architecture: <b>$arch</b></li>\n";
+ print $B "<li>Distribution based on: <b>$based_on</b></li>\n";
+ print $B "<li>Version: <b>$version</b></li>\n";
+ print $B "<li>Theme used: <b>$THEME</b></li>\n";
+ print $B "</ul>\n";
+ close $B;
+sub copy_conf {
+ system("cp $conf_file $webdir/");
+sub link_input {
+ open my $B, ">>$index";
+ print $B "<hr>\n";
+ print $B "<h1 name='Media list'>Media list</h1>\n";
+ close $B;
+ foreach my $media (@{$isoconf->{media}{list}}) {
+ $media->{name} or next;
+ open my $B, ">>$index";
+ print $B "<h2 name='Media $media->{name}'>Media $media->{name}</h1>";
+ print $B "<pre>
+Name of the media: $media->{name}
+Description: $media->{desc}
+From wich dir: $media->{mediadir}
+destination dir: $media->{destmedia}
+Pubkey: $media->{pubkey}
+ print $B "<h3 name='list of input file'>list of input file</h3>\n";
+ print $B "<ul>\n";
+ foreach my $files (@{$media->{input}}) {
+ $files->{file} or next;
+ if (-f $files->{file}) {
+ my $short_name = basename($files->{file});
+ print $B "<li><a href='input/$short_name'>$short_name</a></li>\n";
+ system("cp -af $files->{file} $webdir/input/");
+ } else { print $B "<li><b>$files->{file} not present</b></li>"; }
+ }
+ print $B "</ul>\n";
+ print $B "<h3 name='list of exclude file'>list of exclude file</h3>\n";
+ print $B "<ul>\n";
+ foreach my $files (@{$media->{exclude}}) {
+ $files->{file} or next;
+ if (-f $files->{file}) {
+ my $short_name = basename($files->{file});
+ print $B "<li><a href='input/$short_name'>$short_name</a></li>\n";
+ system("cp -af $files->{file} $webdir/input/");
+ } else { print $B "</li><b>$files->{file} not present</b></li>"; }
+ }
+ print $B "</ul>\n";
+ close $B;
+ }
+sub prep_build_log {
+ system("cp -af /var/lib/bcd/$name-$version-$arch/* $webdir/log/");
+sub show_rpmcheck {
+ my $size;
+ system("cp -af $rpmcheck_list_pkg $file_rpmcheck_log $webdir/rpmcheck/");
+ open my $B, ">>$index";
+ print $B "<h1 name='RPMCHECK status'>RPMCHECK Status</h1>\n";
+ my @files = glob("$webdir/rpmcheck/*");
+ foreach (@files) {
+ $size = (stat($_))[7];
+ print $size;
+ if ($size ne 0) {
+ print $B "<fond color=red><b>ERROR in RPMCHECK !</b></font>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print $B "<a href=rpmcheck/>rpmcheck directory</a> (rpmcheck --explain --failures)\n";
+ close $B;
+sub clean_previous_iso {
+ system("find $public_html/$isoname* -name \.iso -exec rm -vf {} \;");
+sub rename_iso {
+ #-f "$isodir/$isoname.iso" and system("cp -f $isodir/$isoname.iso $webdir/iso/$isoname-$date.iso");
+ -f "$isodir/$isoname.idx" and system("cp -f $isodir/$isoname.idx $webdir/iso/$isoname-$date.idx");
+ -f "$isodir/$isoname.iso.md5" and system("cp -f $isodir/$isoname.iso.md5 $webdir/iso/$isoname-$date.iso.md5");
+ -f "$isodir/$isoname.iso.sha1" and system("cp -f $isodir/$isoname.iso.sha1 $webdir/iso/$isoname-$date.iso.sha1");
+sub link_urpmq_log {
+ open my $B, ">>$index";
+ print $B "<hr>\n";
+ print $B "<h1 name='Link to URPMQ logs'>Link to URPMQ logs</h1>\n";
+ print $B "<a href=log/>All log of URPMQ command per package/media</a> (based on: urpmq --requires-recursive -c --sources)\n";
+ close $B;
+sub link_iso {
+ open my $B, ">>$index";
+ print $B "<hr>\n";
+ print $B "<h1 name='Link to ISO, IDX, SHA1 and MD5'>Link to ISO, IDX, SHA1 and MD5</h1>\n";
+ print $B "<ul>\n";
+ if (-f "$webdir/iso/$isoname-$date.iso") {
+ print $B "<li><a href=iso/$isoname-$date.iso>$isoname-$date.iso</a></li>\n";
+ print $B "<li><a href=iso/$isoname-$date.iso.md5>$isoname-$date.iso.md5</a></li>\n";
+ print $B "<li><a href=iso/$isoname-$date.iso.sha1>$isoname-$date.iso.sha1</a></li>\n";
+ } else {
+ print $B "<li><fond color=red><b>No ISO available</b></font></li>\n";
+ }
+ print $B "<li><a href=iso/$isoname-$date.idx>$isoname-$date.idx</a></li>\n";
+ print $B "</ul>\n";
+ close $B;