# This is the configuration file for the 1280x1024 bootsplash picture # This file is necessary to specify the coordinates of the text box on the # splash screen. # config file version version=3 # should the picture be displayed? state=1 # fgcolor is the text forground color. # bgcolor is the text background (i.e. transparent) color. fgcolor=7 bgcolor=0 # (tx, ty) are the (x, y) coordinates of the text window in pixels. # tw/th is the width/height of the text window in pixels. tx=48 ty=154 tw=1184 th=822 # ttf message output parameters text_x=256 text_y=728 text_size=36 text_color=0xeef4ff # name of the picture file (full path recommended) jpeg=/usr/share/bootsplash/themes/SuSE-8.2/images/bootsplash-1280x1024.jpg silentjpeg=/usr/share/bootsplash/themes/SuSE-8.2/images/silent-1280x1024.jpg progress_enable=1 # background box silent noover 256 776 1024 816 #04045498 box silent inter 256 777 256 815 #ffffff #ffffff #526bb0 #526bb0 box silent 256 777 1024 815 #ffffff #ffffff #526bb0 #526bb0 # black border box silent 256 776 1024 776 #313234 box silent 256 816 1024 816 #eef4ff box silent 256 776 256 816 #313234 box silent 1024 776 1024 816 #eef4ff # text box (left, top) box 43 149 43 977 #313234 box 44 149 1233 149 #313234 # (right, bottom) box 1233 150 1233 977 #eef4ff box 44 977 1233 977 #eef4ff # box itself box noover 44 150 1232 976 #04045498 overpaintok=1