#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # rpmbuildupdate by Julien Danjou # # Copyright (c) 2003-2004 by MandrakeSoft # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby # granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software # for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # $Id$ # TODO # do not hardcode sudo urpmi command ( to use --deps on cluster ) # rework configuration option use strict; use AppConfig; use File::Copy; use MDK::Common::File qw(:all); use Cwd; use File::Spec; my %config; my ($log, $top, $rpm); sub system_die { my ($command, $message) = @_; $message ||= "$command failed"; # do not forget , return value of 1 means failure in unix system($command) and die $message; } sub file_not_found { my ($basename) = @_; ! -f $basename and return 1; # sometimes, the webserver return a webpage when the file is not found, instead of letting wget fails # see wget http://www.wesnoth.org/files/wesnoth-0.7.1.tar.bz2 # So if the file is a html page, then it is a error and it should be removed. is_html($basename) and do { rm_rf($basename); return 1 }; return 0; } sub is_html { my ($basename) = @_; `file $basename` =~ /HTML/i and return 1; return 0; } sub download { my $wget = "wget -N -q"; my ($url)=@_; my $temp = basename($url); print "Trying to fetch $url...\n"; system("$wget $url;"); -f $temp && ! is_html($temp) && $temp !~ /.bz2$/ && system_die("bzme $temp", "Cannot convert $temp"); } sub fetch { my ($url) = @_; # if you add a handler here, do not forget to add it to the body of build() return fetch_http($url) if $url =~ m!^(ftp|https?)://!; return fetch_svn($url) if $url =~ m!^svns?://!; } sub fetch_svn { my ($url) = @_; my ($basename, $repos); $basename = basename($url); ($repos = $url) =~ s|/$basename$||; $repos =~ s/^svn/http/; die "Cannot extract revision number from the name." if $basename !~ /^(.*)-([^-]*rev)(\d\d*).tar.bz2$/; my ($name, $prefix, $release) = ($1, $2, $3); my $dir="$ENV{TMP}/rpmbuildupdate-$$"; my $current_dir = cwd(); mkdir $dir or die "Cannot create dir $dir"; chdir $dir or die "Cannot change dir to $dir"; system_die("svn co -r $release $repos", "svn checkout failed on $repos"); my $basedir = basename($repos); # FIXME quite inelegant, should use a dedicated cpan module. my $complete_name = "$name-$prefix$release"; move($basedir, $complete_name); system_die("find $complete_name -name '.svn' | xargs rm -Rf"); system_die("tar -cjf $complete_name.tar.bz2 $complete_name", "tar failed"); system_die("mv -f $complete_name.tar.bz2 $current_dir"); chdir $current_dir; } sub fetch_http { my ($url) = @_; my $basename = basename($url); my $turl; rm_rf($basename) if $config{nobuild}; download($url); foreach ('.tar.gz', '.tgz', '.zip') { ($turl = $url) =~ s/\.tar\.bz2/$_/; download($turl) if file_not_found($basename); } return ! file_not_found($basename); } sub fill_global_variable { my ($pkgrpm) = @_; $top = $config{top} || `rpm --eval '%_topdir'`; chomp($top); if ($config{log}) { my $basename = basename($pkgrpm); mkdir_p("$top/log"); my $logfile = "$top/log/${basename}.log"; $log = " >> $logfile 2>&1"; print "Logs are in $logfile\n"; } else { $log = ""; } $rpm = qq(rpm --define "_topdir $top"); } sub build_from_spec { my ($spec_path, $newversion) = @_; my $rpm_tag = (split(/\n/,`rpm -q --queryformat '%{NAME} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE}\n' --specfile $spec_path`))[0]; my ($pkg, $version, $release) = split(/ /, $rpm_tag); fill_global_variable($pkg); chdir("$top/SOURCES") or die "Unable to chdir to $top/SOURCES"; build($spec_path,$pkg,$version,$release,$newversion); } sub build_from_repository { my ($pkg, $newversion) = @_; my $pkge = $pkg; $pkge =~ s/\+/\\+/; my $found = 0; my $pkgrpm; foreach my $srpm_dir (split(/,/, $config{srpms})) { opendir(MP, $srpm_dir) or die "$srpm_dir is not a directory"; my @rpms = readdir(MP); foreach (@rpms) { if (m|^($pkge)-([^-]+)-([^-]+)\.[^\.]+\.rpm|) { $config{src} = $pkgrpm = "$srpm_dir/$_"; $found = 1; last } #{ $config{src} = $pkgrpm = "$srpm_dir/$_"; $version = $2; $release = $3; $found = 1; last } } closedir(MP); last if $found; } if ($found == 0) { print "Package $pkg has no source, skipping.\n\n"; return } build_from_src($pkgrpm,$newversion); } sub build_from_src { $_ = shift; my $newversion = shift; my $b = basename($_); die "Cannot parse the name of rpm " if $b !~ m|^(.*)-([^-]+)-([^-]+)\.[^\.]+\.rpm|; my $pkgrpm = $_; my $pkg = $1; $pkgrpm = File::Spec->rel2abs($pkgrpm); fill_global_variable($pkgrpm); my $found = 0; my ($version, $release); chdir("$top/SOURCES") or die "Unable to chdir to $top/SOURCES"; my $pkge = $pkg; $pkge =~ s/\+/\\+/; my $pkgrpm_basename = basename($pkgrpm); if ($pkgrpm_basename =~ m|^(.*)-([^-]+)-([^-]+)\.[^\.]+\.rpm|) { $pkg=$1; $version = $2; $release = $3 } if ($config{deps}) { system_die("sudo /usr/sbin/urpmi --auto --force $pkgrpm $log"); } system_die("$rpm -ivh $pkgrpm $log"); my $spec_path="../SPECS/$pkg.spec"; build($spec_path,$pkg,$version,$release,$newversion); } sub build { my ($spec_path, $pkg, $version, $release, $newversion) = @_; my ($message, $spec, @url, %specvars); my ($newrelease, $release_prefix) = ($1,$2) if $release =~ /^(.*\d+)(\D*)$/g; if ($newversion) { print "===> Building $pkg $newversion\n"; } else { print "===> Rebuilding $pkg\n"; } if (! defined($newversion)) { $newversion = $version; my @tmp = split(/\./,$newrelease); $tmp[-1]++; $newrelease = join('.',@tmp) . $release_prefix; $message = $config{message} || '- Rebuild'; } else { $message = $config{message} || '- New release %%VERSION'; $newrelease = "1$release_prefix"; } $newrelease = $config{release} if $config{release}; my $SPECFILE; if (!open($SPECFILE, $spec_path)) { print STDERR "Unable to open spec file !\n"; return; } my $tar_ball=''; while (<$SPECFILE>) { # Doing a s/// version s/\%define\s+version\s+$version/\%define version $newversion/g; s/Version:\s+$version/Version: $newversion/g; s/Release\s*:\s*$release/Release: $newrelease/; s/\%define(\s+)release(\s+)(.*)/\%define release $newrelease/; $spec .= $_; push(@url, $2) if /(Source[0-9]*)\s*:\s+((?:ftp|svns?|https?):\S+)/i; $tar_ball=$2 if /(Source[0-9]*)\s*:\s+([^:\s]+)/i && ! $tar_ball; # For %vars ! $specvars{$1} = $2 if /\%define\s+(\S+?)\s+(\S+)/g; foreach my $i ('url', 'name', 'version', 'release') { $specvars{$i} = $1 if !$specvars{$i} && /$i\s*:\s+(\S+)/gi; } if (/\%changelog/) { $message =~ s/\%\%VERSION/$newversion/; my @l = getpwuid($<); my $packager = `rpm --eval '\%packager'`; chomp($packager); # if macro is undefined $packager =~ s/\%packager//g; my $email = $packager ? $packager : $l[6] . ($ENV{EMAIL} ? " <$ENV{EMAIL}>" : " <$l[0]\@mandrakesoft.com>"); $spec .= "* " . `LC_TIME=C date '+%a %b %e %Y'|tr -d '\n'` . " $email $newversion-$newrelease\n"; $spec .= "$message\n\n"; } } close($SPECFILE); if (!$url[0]) { print "URL of sources was not found ! Trying to guess it with url tag ...\n"; my $url = $specvars{url}; #TODO some factorisation # add gna.org, savanah, jabberstudio if ($url =~ m!http://(.*)\.((?:sourceforge|sf)\.net)/(.*)!) { $url="http://prdownloads.$2/$1/$3" unless $1 eq 'prdownloads'; } if ($url =~ m!http://(.*)\.berlios.de/(.*)!) { $url="http://download.berlios.de/$1/$2" unless $1 eq 'download'; } push(@url, "$url/$tar_ball") } my $found = 0; foreach (@url) { # Replace variable from spec (%blabla) while (/\%/) { s/\%\{(.*?)\}/$specvars{$1}/g; s/\%(\w+)/$specvars{$1}/g; s/\%\{name\}/$pkg/gi; s/\%\{version\}/$newversion/gi; } my $basename = basename($_); rm_rf("${top}/SOURCES/$basename") if $config{nobuild}; # GNOME: add the major version to the URL automatically # for example: ftp://ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/ORbit2/ORbit2-2.10.0.tar.bz2 # is rewritten in ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/ORbit2/2.10/ORbit2-2.10.0.tar.bz2 if (m!ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/!) { (my $major = $newversion) =~ s/([^.]+\.[^.]+).*/$1/; s!(.*/)(.*)!$1$major/$2!; } # download from Fedora rpms if (/ftp\.redhat\.com/) { opendir(MP, $config{fedora}) or die "$config{fedora} is not a directory"; my @rpmsrh = readdir(MP); my $pkgrpmrh; my $pkge = $pkg; $pkge =~ s/\+/\\+/; foreach (@rpmsrh) { if (m|^($pkge)-([^-]+)-([^-]+)\.[^\.]+\.rpm|) { $pkgrpmrh = $_; last } } closedir(MP); print "Trying from fedora($basename): $config{fedora}/$pkgrpmrh\n"; system_die("cd ${top}/SOURCES; rpm2cpio $config{fedora}/$pkgrpmrh | cpio -id $basename", "Rpm extraction failed"); if (! -f "${top}/SOURCES/$basename") { (my $bname = $basename) =~ s/bz2/gz/; print "Trying from fedora($bname): $config{fedora}/$pkgrpmrh\n"; system("cd ${top}/SOURCES; rpm2cpio $config{fedora}/$pkgrpmrh | cpio -id $bname; bzme $bname", "rpm recompression failed"); } } # download from sourceforge mirrors if (m!http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net!) { foreach my $site ("http://ovh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/", "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/", "http://aleron.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/", "http://keihanna.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/", "http://belnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/", "http://unc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/", "http://twtelecom.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/", ) { (my $dest = $_) =~ s!http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/!$site!; last if fetch_http($dest); } } # download specified url if (! -f "${top}/SOURCES/$basename") { fetch($_); } $found++ if -e $basename; chmod(0644, "${top}/SOURCES/$basename"); } # some specs have no source ( php ) $found++ if ! $tar_ball; unless ($config{noupdate}) { # TODO use output ? open($SPECFILE, ">$spec_path") or die "Unable to open $pkg.spec"; print $SPECFILE $spec; close($SPECFILE); } if (!$found) { print "Unable to download file: URL is not valid ! :-(\n\n"; return; } elsif ($config{nobuild}) { print "All files downloaded\n"; return; } if (system("$rpm -ba $spec_path $log")) { print "Binary build fails: building source only\n"; system("$rpm -bs --nodeps $spec_path $log"); } } sub wget_check { my $wgetv = `wget --version`; $wgetv =~ /Wget/ or die "You need `wget' binary for FTP/HTTP download\n"; } sub parse_argv { my $conf = AppConfig->new({ CASE => 1, ERROR => \&usage }); $conf->define("rpmmon", { ARGS => "=s", ALIAS => "r", ARGCOUNT => AppConfig::ARGCOUNT_ONE } ); $conf->define("release", { ARGS => "=s", DEFAULT => "", ARGCOUNT => AppConfig::ARGCOUNT_ONE } ); $conf->define("srpms", { ARGS => "=s", ALIAS => "m", DEFAULT => "/mnt/BIG/distrib/cooker/SRPMS/", ARGCOUNT => AppConfig::ARGCOUNT_ONE } ); $conf->define("src", { ARGS => "=s", ALIAS => "s", ARGCOUNT => AppConfig::ARGCOUNT_ONE } ); $conf->define("spec", { ARGS => "=s", ARGCOUNT => AppConfig::ARGCOUNT_ONE } ); $conf->define("fedora", { ARGS => "=s", ALIAS => "h", DEFAULT => "/mnt/BIG/distrib/fedora/development/SRPMS/", ARGCOUNT => AppConfig::ARGCOUNT_ONE } ); $conf->define("deps", { ALIAS => "d", DEFAULT => 0, ARGCOUNT => AppConfig::ARGCOUNT_NONE } ); $conf->define("nosource", { ALIAS => "n", DEFAULT => 0, ARGCOUNT => AppConfig::ARGCOUNT_NONE } ); $conf->define("noupdate", { DEFAULT => 0, ARGCOUNT => AppConfig::ARGCOUNT_NONE } ); $conf->define("top", { ARGS => "=t", ALIAS => "h", DEFAULT => 0, ARGCOUNT => AppConfig::ARGCOUNT_ONE } ); $conf->define("nobuild", { ALIAS => "c", DEFAULT => 0, ARGCOUNT => AppConfig::ARGCOUNT_NONE } ); $conf->define("log", { ALIAS => "l", DEFAULT => 0, ARGCOUNT => AppConfig::ARGCOUNT_NONE } ); $conf->define("changelog", { ARGS => "=s", # default is defined at the beggining of build # as it depend if this is a new version or a simple rebuild DEFAULT => "", ARGCOUNT => AppConfig::ARGCOUNT_ONE } ); foreach my $f ('/etc/rpmbuildupdate.conf', "$ENV{HOME}/.rpmbuildupdate.conf") { -f $f && $conf->file($f); } $conf->args; $config{rpmmon} = $conf->get("rpmmon"); $config{deps} = $conf->get("deps"); $config{srpms} = $conf->get("srpms"); $config{spec} = $conf->get("spec"); $config{src} = $conf->get("src"); $config{release} = $conf->get("release"); $config{noupdate} = $conf->get("noupdate"); $config{nosource} = $conf->get("nosource"); $config{fedora} = $conf->get("fedora"); $config{top} = $conf->get("top"); $config{nobuild} = $conf->get("nobuild"); $config{message} = $conf->get("changelog"); $config{log} = $conf->get("log"); } sub usage { print "rpmbuildupdate v0.4 helps you build up to date RPMs.\n\n"; print "By Julien Danjou\n"; print "Copyright (c) 2003-2004 by MandrakeSoft.\n"; print "This is free software under the GPL License.\n"; print "Usage: rpmbuildupdate [options] [pkg] [newversion]\n\n"; print " --rpmmon : parse output of rpmmon from file\n"; print " --srpms : specify SRPMS path, separate folder with a comma\n"; print " --src : build new version from this source RPM\n"; print " --spec : build new version from this spec file\n"; print " --release : release version of package (default: 1mdk)\n"; print " --changelog : use a alternate message. \%\%VERSION is replace by version\n"; print " --deps: install builds dependencies\n"; print " --log: log builds\n"; print " --nosource: do not install source from (urpmi x.src.rpm)\n"; print " --noupdate: do not touch to the spec file\n"; print " --top : specify rpm top dir (default: `rpm --eval %_topdir`)\n"; print " --nobuild|-c: do not build the package. Only download files.\n"; exit 0; } sub parse_rpmmon { my $f = shift; -f $f or die "Error: $f is not a file.\n"; open(my $RPMMON, $f); while (<$RPMMON>) { build_from_repository($1, $3) if /^\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/ && ! /Package/; build_from_repository($2, $4) if /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/ && ! /Package/; } close($RPMMON); } sub check_dir { $_ = shift; foreach my $dir (split(/,/)) { -d $dir or die $dir . " is not a directory.\n"; } } sub main { parse_argv; wget_check; # FIXME clean this if ($config{rpmmon}) { print($config{srpms}); parse_rpmmon($config{rpmmon}) } else { my ($new_version,$name); if ($config{src} or $config{spec}) { $new_version = $ARGV[0] || undef; } elsif ($ARGV[0]) { $name= $ARGV[0]; $new_version = $ARGV[1]; if (-f $name) { $name =~ /.spec$/ and $config{spec} = $name; # FIXME better auto detection with nosrc.rpm ? $name =~ /.src.rpm$/ and $config{src} = $name; } } if ($config{src}) { build_from_src($config{src}, $new_version) } elsif ($config{spec}) { build_from_spec($config{spec},$new_version) } elsif ($name) { check_dir($config{srpms}); build_from_repository($name,$new_version) } else { usage } } } main;