# NB : Even though it might look like a shell-script, it is NOT.
BBSERVERROOT="<%= lib_dir %>/xymon" # Where Xymon is installed - holds the server and bbvar sub-dirs.
BBSERVERLOGS="/var/log/xymon" # Directory for server logs. The hobbit user must have write-access here.
HOBBITCLIENTHOME="<%= lib_dir %>/xymon/client" # BBHOME directory for the client
BBSERVERHOSTNAME="sucuk.<%= domain %>" # The hostname of your server
BBSERVERIP="<%= ipaddress %>" # The IP-address of your server. Use the real one, not .
BBSERVEROS="linux" # The operating system of your server. linux,freebsd,solaris,hpux,aix,osf
BBSERVERWWWNAME="xymon.<%= domain %>" # The name used for this hosts' webserver
BBSERVERWWWURL="/xymon" # The top URL for the Xymon webpages
BBSERVERCGIURL="/xymon-cgi" # The URL for the Xymon CGI scripts.
BBSERVERSECURECGIURL="/xymon-seccgi" # The URL for the secured Xymon CGI scripts.
# BBLOCATION="foo" # The network location, makes bbtest-net test only hosts with NET:foo
# You only need to set this if you have multiple network test servers with
# a shared bb-hosts file.
# Make sure the path includes the directories where you have fping, mail and (optionally) ntpdate installed,
# as well as the BBHOME/bin directory where all of the Xymon programs reside.
# Some systems need extra settings e.g. to locate run-time libraries.
# You can add these extra settings here:
# fix error message from jonund :
# 2011-07-17 15:32:54 Oversize status msg from
# for jonund.mageia.org:procs truncated (n=350049, limit=262144)
# https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/System_Monitoring_with_Xymon/Other_Docs/FAQ#Q._How_do_I_fix_.22Oversize_status_msg_from_192.168.1.31_for_test.my.com:ports_truncated_.28n.3D508634.2C_limit.3D262144.29.22
##### Normally you do not need to modify anything below this point #####
# General settings
BBPORT="1984" # Portnumber where hobbitd/bbd listens
BBDISP="$BBSERVERIP" # IP of a single hobbit/bbd server
BBDISPLAYS="" # IP of multiple hobbit/bbd servers. If used, BBDISP must be
FQDN="TRUE" # Use fully-qualified hostnames internally. Keep it TRUE unless you know better.
BBGHOSTS="1" # How to handle status messages from unknown hosts.
# 0=accept message, 1=discard message, 2=discard message and log the event
BBLOGSTATUS="DYNAMIC" # Are HTML status logs statically or dynamically generated?
# Use DYNAMIC with Xymon, unless you run hobbitd_filestore --status --html
PINGCOLUMN="conn" # Column where the ping-test reports results.
INFOCOLUMN="info" # Column where the info-pages are reported.
TRENDSCOLUMN="trends" # Column where the RRD graphs are reported.
BBMAXMSGSPERCOMBO="100" # How many individual messages to combine in a combo-message. 0=unlimited.
BBSLEEPBETWEENMSGS="0" # Delay between sending each combo message, in milliseconds.
# Specific to this host
BBOSTYPE="$BBSERVEROS" # Hosttype (operating system). Not used by server-side, but clients use this.
MACHINEADDR="$BBSERVERIP" # This systems IP-address
# URL's generated/used by bbgen
BBWEBHOST="https://$BBSERVERWWWNAME" # Just the host part of the URL - http://www.foo.com
BBWEBHOSTURL="$BBWEBHOST$BBSERVERWWWURL" # Prefix for all static Xymon pages - http://www.foo.com/bb
BBWEBHTMLLOGS="$BBWEBHOSTURL/html" # Prefix for the Xymon HTML logs (only if BBLOGSTATUS=STATIC)
BBWEB="$BBSERVERWWWURL" # Xymon URL prefix without the host part
BBSKIN="$BBSERVERWWWURL/gifs" # Xymon URL prefix for the GIF files
BBHELPSKIN="$BBSERVERWWWURL/help" # Xymon URL prefix for the online help files.
BBNOTESSKIN="$BBSERVERWWWURL/notes" # Xymon URL prefix for the online notes-files.
BBMENUSKIN="$BBSERVERWWWURL/menu" # Xymon URL prefix for the webpage menu files.
BBREPURL="$BBSERVERWWWURL/rep" # Xymon URL prefix for the Xymon availability reports
BBSNAPURL="$BBSERVERWWWURL/snap" # Xymon URL prefix for the Xymon snapshots
BBWAP="$BBSERVERWWWURL/wml" # Xymon URL prefix for the WAP/WML files.
CGIBINURL="$BBSERVERCGIURL" # URL prefix for the Xymon CGI-scripts - /cgi-bin
SECURECGIBINURL="$BBSERVERSECURECGIURL" # URL prefix for the secured Xymon CGI-scripts - /cgi-secure
# Locations of system-wide files and directories
BBHOME="<%= lib_dir %>/xymon/server" # The Xymon server directory, where programs and configurations go.
BBTMP="$BBHOME/tmp" # Directory used for temporary files.
BBHOSTS="$BBHOME/etc/bb-hosts" # The bb-hosts file
BB="$BBHOME/bin/bb" # The 'bb' client program
BBGEN="$BBHOME/bin/bbgen" # The bbgen program
# Server specific directories
BBVAR="/var/lib/xymon" # The bbvar directory holds all monitoring data
BBACKS="$BBVAR/acks" # Acknowledge event info stored here (hobbitd_alert)
BBDATA="$BBVAR/data" # Data files go here (hobbitd_filestore --data)
BBDISABLED="$BBVAR/disabled" # Enabled/disabled flags are stored here (hobbitd_filestore --enadis)
BBHIST="$BBVAR/hist" # History logs are stored here (hobbitd_history)
BBHISTLOGS="$BBVAR/histlogs" # Historical detail status-loge are stored here (hobbitd_history)
BBLOGS="$BBVAR/logs" # Status logs go here (hobbitd_filestore --status). Not needed by Xymon.
BBWWW="$BBHOME/www" # The directory for Xymon webpage files.
BBHTML="$BBWWW/html" # HTML status logs go here (hobbitd_filestore --status --html)
BBNOTES="$BBWWW/notes" # For notes-files (hobbitd_filestore --notes)
BBREP="$BBWWW/rep" # Top-level directory for Xymon reports.
BBSNAP="$BBWWW/snap" # Top-level directory for Xymon snapshots.
# For the hobbitd_history module
BBALLHISTLOG="TRUE" # Save a common log of all events (used for the bb2 webpage)
BBHOSTHISTLOG="TRUE" # Save a log of all events for a host (not used by any tool currently)
SAVESTATUSLOG="TRUE" # Save the detailed status log each time the status changes.
# For the hobbitd_alert module
FROM="root@<%= domain %>"
MAILC="mail -r $FROM" # Command used to send an e-mail with no subject
MAIL="$MAILC -s" # Command used to send an e-mail with a subject
ALERTCOLORS="red,yellow,purple" # Colors that may trigger an alert message
OKCOLORS="green,blue,clear" # Colors that may trigger a recovery message
ALERTREPEAT="30" # The default interval between repeated alert-messages (in minutes)
# For bbtest-net
CONNTEST="TRUE" # Should we 'ping' hosts ?
IPTEST_2_CLEAR_ON_FAILED_CONN="TRUE" # If TRUE, then failing network tests go CLEAR if conn-test fails.
NONETPAGE="" # Network tests that go YELLOW upon failure
FPING="/bin/fping -Ae" # Path and options for the ping program.
NTPDATE="ntpdate" # Path to the 'ntpdate' program
TRACEROUTE="traceroute" # How to do traceroute on failing ping tests. Requires "trace" in bb-hosts.
BBROUTERTEXT="router" # What to call a failing intermediate network device.
NETFAILTEXT="not OK" # Text indicating a network test failed
# Settings for the RRD graphs
# Top level directory for the RRD files
# Size of the generated graph images
RRDWIDTH="576" # The RRD's contain 576 data points, so this is a good value
# TEST2RRD defines the status- and data-messages you want to collect RRD data
# about. You will normally not need to modify this, unless you have added a
# script to pick up RRD data from custom tests (the hobbitd_larrd --extra-script
# and --extra-tests options).
# Note that network tests defined in the bb-services file are automatically
# included.
# The format here is "COLUMN=RRDSERVICE". If you leave out the "=RRDSERVICE"
# part, it is assumed to be the same as the COLUMN value.
# This is also used by the bb-hostsvc.cgi script to determine if the detailed
# status view of a test should include a graph.
# This defines which RRD files to include on the "trends" column webpage,
# and the order in which they appear.
# These two settings can be used to restrict what filesystems are being
# tracked (i.e. have their utilisation graphed) by Xymon.
# NORRDDISKS="" # Filesystems that will NOT be tracked
# RRDDISKS="" # Only track these filesystems
# These determine some parts of how bbgen generates webpages
BBGENOPTS="--recentgifs --subpagecolumns=2" # Standard options for bbgen.
SUMMARY_SET_BKG="FALSE" # Do summaries affect the background color of the BB webpage ?
BBMKBB2EXT="eventlog.sh acklog.sh" # What extensions to have on the BB2 page.
DOTHEIGHT="16" # Height (in pixels) of the color GIF's
DOTWIDTH="16" # Width (in pixels) of the color GIF's
COLUMNDOCURL="$CGIBINURL/hobbitcolumn.sh?%s" # URL formatting string for column-links
# HTML content
HTMLCONTENTTYPE="text/html" # You can add charset options here.
# Fonts and texts
HOBBITLOGO="Mageia monitoring" # HTML inserted on all header pages at top-left corner.
MKBBLOCAL="Pages Hosted Locally"
MKBBREMOTE="Remote Status Display"
MKBBSUBLOCAL="Subpages Hosted Locally"
MKBBACKFONT="COLOR=\"#33ebf4\" SIZE=\"-1\"" # Size and color of the 'Current acknowledgement...' text in the html log.
MKBBCOLFONT="COLOR=\"#87a9e5\" SIZE=\"-1\"" # Size and color of the column headings text
MKBBROWFONT="SIZE=\"+1\" COLOR=\"#FFFFCC\" FACE=\"Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica\"" # Size,color,font of text in each row (hostname)
MKBBTITLE="COLOR=\"#FFFFF0\" SIZE=\"+1\"" # Size and color of the BB titles (the old "ivory" is invalid HTML)
BBDATEFORMAT="%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y" # Date format
BBRSSTITLE="Xymon Alerts" # Title for the RSS and WML outputs.
ACKUNTILMSG="Next update at: %H:%M %Y-%m-%d" # strftime format for the acknowledgement status display.
# For WML output
WMLMAXCHARS="1500" # Max number of bytes in a WAP message
# For BB reports
BBREPWARN="97" # Default availability causing yellow status on availability report.
BBREPGREEN="99.995" # Default availability causing green status on availability report.
BBGENREPOPTS="$BBGENOPTS" # bbgen(1) options used when generating availability reports.
BBREPEXT="" # What extensions to run on report pages.
# For BB snapshots
BBGENSNAPOPTS="$BBGENOPTS" # bbgen(1) options used when generating snapshots.
# For the bb-hist CGI
BBHISTEXT="" # What extensions to run on history pages.
# The following defines a bunch of commands that BB extensions expect to be present.
# Hobbit does not use them, but they are provided here so if you use BB extension
# scripts, then they will hopefully run without having to do a lot of tweaking.
WC="/usr/bin/wc -l"
# DF,DFCMD and PS are for compatibility only, NOT USED by the Hobbit client
DF="/bin/df -Pk"
DFCMD="/bin/df -Pk"
PS="ps ax"