class xymon::server { package { ['xymon','fping']: } if versioncmp($::lsbdistrelease, '5') < 0 { service { 'xymon': hasstatus => false, status => "su xymon -c '${::lib_dir}/xymon/server/ status'", require => Package['xymon'], } } File { group => 'xymon', require => Package['xymon'], notify => Exec['service xymon reload'], } if versioncmp($::lsbdistrelease, '5') < 0 { file { # Define hosts and web view layout, and lists tests to be run against # host by e.g. network tests from xymon server '/etc/xymon/bb-hosts': content => template('xymon/bb-hosts'); } } else { file { # Define hosts and web view layout, and lists tests to be run against # host by e.g. network tests from xymon server '/etc/xymon/hosts.cfg': content => template('xymon/bb-hosts'); } } file { # Environment variables user by hobbitd,hobbitlaunch,hobbitd_rrd,CGIs # and bbgen (which generates the static html pages) # hobbitlaunch (started by init script) may need to be restarted for # changes here, for hobbitd_rrd (e.g. TEST2RRD), it is sufficient to # kill hobbitd_rrd, hobbitlaunch will respawn it '/etc/xymon/hobbitserver.cfg': content => template('xymon/hobbitserver.cfg'); # Defines thresholds for test data reported by clients, e.g. load # disk, procs, ports, memory, as well as those which require some # configuration server side to the client: files, msgs, '/etc/xymon/hobbit-clients.cfg': content => template('xymon/hobbit-clients.cfg'); # Configuration for the xymon clients, which log files to process etc. '/etc/xymon/client-local.cfg': content => template('xymon/client-local.cfg'); # Used for alerting, changes should be taken into effect immediately '/etc/xymon/hobbit-alerts.cfg': content => template('xymon/hobbit-alerts.cfg'); } # Most changes should take effect immediately, but sometimes threshold # changes take effect sooner if hobbit is HUPd exec { 'service xymon reload': refreshonly => true, require => Package['xymon'], } }