class gitweb { package { 'gitweb': } # TODO some rpm may be needed ( like perl-FCGI ) # git >= 17.2 is needed for fastcgi support # TODO fix git rpm to show the css, the js, and others missing file file { '/etc/gitweb.conf': content => template('gitweb/gitweb.conf'), notify => Service['apache'], require => Package['gitweb'], } apache::webapp_other { 'gitweb': webapp_file => 'gitweb/webapp.conf', } mga_common::local_script { '': content => template('gitweb/'), notify => Service['apache'], } $vhost = "gitweb.${::domain}" apache::vhost::base { $vhost: content => template('gitweb/vhost.conf') } apache::vhost::base { "ssl_${vhost}": vhost => $vhost, use_ssl => true, content => template('gitweb/vhost.conf'), } }