#!/bin/sh # Initialization PATH_TO_FILE=${PATH_TO_FILE:-/var/lib/blog} /usr/bin/wget -qO $PATH_TO_FILE"/RSS_new" http://blog.mageia.org/?feed=rss2 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then exit 2 fi # Check if RSS_old exists if [ ! -f $PATH_TO_FILE"/RSS_old" ] then /bin/mv -f $PATH_TO_FILE"/RSS_new" $PATH_TO_FILE"/RSS_old" exit 1 fi /bin/date +"%d:%m:%Y %H:%M" > $PATH_TO_FILE"/last_check" # Check if a new blog post on EN needs to be translated on other blogs tmp_new=$(/bin/grep 'lastBuildDate' $PATH_TO_FILE"/RSS_new") tmp_old=$(/bin/grep 'lastBuildDate' $PATH_TO_FILE"/RSS_old") if [ "$tmp_old" = "$tmp_new" ] then # Nothing new echo "NO" >> $PATH_TO_FILE"/last_check" else # New post to translate cat $PATH_TO_FILE"/last_check" > $PATH_TO_FILE"/last_need_translation" new_post=$(grep "title" $PATH_TO_FILE"/RSS_new" | head -n 2 | sed '1d' | sed 's///' | sed 's/<\/title>//' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//') echo $new_post >> $PATH_TO_FILE"/last_need_translation" echo "YES" >> $PATH_TO_FILE"/last_check" echo -e "A new blog post is waiting for translation\n\"$new_post\"" | /bin/mail -s "New entry on English Blog" mageia-blogteam@mageia.org echo $DATE fi # Clean tmp files and copy RSS_new to RSS_old /bin/mv -f $PATH_TO_FILE"/RSS_new" $PATH_TO_FILE"/RSS_old"