class apache::base { include apache::var # apache-mpm-prefork is merged from mga3 up $apache_server = $lsbdistrelease ? { /1|2/ => 'apache-mpm-prefork', default => 'apache', } package { $apache_server: alias => 'apache-server', } # (tmb) temp range check to fix puppet chocking if (versioncmp($::lsbdistrelease, '2') >= 0) and (versioncmp($::lsbdistrelease, '6') <= 0) { $conf_d = '/etc/httpd/conf.d' # only needed on mga1 and mga2 package { $apache::var::pkg_conf: } } else { $conf_d = '/etc/httpd/conf/conf.d' } service { 'httpd': alias => 'apache', subscribe => [ Package['apache-server'] ], } exec { 'apachectl configtest': refreshonly => true, notify => Service['apache'], } apache::config { "${conf_d}/customization.conf": content => template('apache/customization.conf'), require => Package[$apache::var::pkg_conf]; '/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts.d/00_default_vhosts.conf': content => template('apache/00_default_vhosts.conf'), require => Package[$apache::var::pkg_conf]; } file { '/etc/logrotate.d/httpd': content => template('apache/logrotate') } }