# web apps node alamut { # Location: IELO datacenter (marseille) # # TODO: # - Review board # - api # - pastebin # - LDAP slave # include common::default_mageia_server_no_smtp include postgresql::server postgresql::tagged { 'default': } timezone::timezone { 'Europe/Paris': } class {'epoll::var': db_password => extlookup('epoll_pgsql','x'), } include epoll include epoll::create_db include sympa::server include postfix::server::primary # temporary, just the time the vm is running there host { 'friteuse': ensure => 'present', ip => '', host_aliases => [ "friteuse.${::domain}", "forums.${::domain}" ], } # to create all phpbb database on alamut phpbb::databases { $fqdn: } apache::vhost::redirect_ssl { "forums.${::domain}": } apache::vhost_redirect { "forum.${::domain}": url => "https://forums.${::domain}/", } apache::vhost_redirect { "ssl_forum.${::domain}": url => "https://forums.${::domain}/", vhost => "forum.${::domain}", use_ssl => true, } # connect to ssl so the proxy do not shoke if trying to # enforce ssl ( note that this has not been tested, maybe this # is uneeded ) apache::vhost::reverse_proxy { "ssl_forums.${::domain}": url => "https://forums.${::domain}/", vhost => "forums.${::domain}", use_ssl => true, content => ' RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} mode=register RewriteRule .*ucp.php - [forbidden] ', } include tld_redirections include libvirtd::kvm include lists include dns::server include wikis # Forward ports to arm1 and arm2 ssh, to access them from outside xinetd::port_forward {'forward_arm1': target_ip => "arm1.${::domain}", target_port => '22', port => '4251', proto => 'tcp', } xinetd::port_forward {'forward_arm2': target_ip => "arm2.${::domain}", target_port => '22', port => '4252', proto => 'tcp', } }